Yohden Primary School

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About Yohden Primary School

Name Yohden Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Ellen Harrison
Address Windsor Terrace, Horden, Peterlee, SR8 4HP
Phone Number 01915863096
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 158
Local Authority County Durham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Yohden Primary is a caring, welcoming school. Everyone is included and expected to do their best.

Pupils rise to this challenge.

Pupils are polite, courteous and respectful of one another. Staff build strong relationships with pupils.

Older pupils are superb role models. They are mature and sensible when talking to adults. They relished the opportunity to talk to inspectors about the different responsibilities they are given.

For example, they talked about being part of the mini police and helping other pupils by being a peer mentor.

Pupils are happy and love learning because they study an exciting curriculum. School trips enrich this.
<...br/>Teachers make classrooms calm and purposeful places to learn. Pupils work diligently and are keen to do their best. Breaktimes are positive, social occasions.

Pupils enjoy time with friends and develop teamwork skills.

All pupils say that they feel safe. Bullying is rare.

If pupils have concerns, they have lots of trusted adults to talk to and share these with.

Parents and carers are positive about the support they receive from all staff. The comment of one parent was typical of many when he said, 'Staff go above and beyond.

They are amazing.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff teach the reading curriculum well and pupils learn to read quickly. In lessons, pupils are gradually introduced to new sounds.

They read books using the sounds they know. All staff make regular checks on pupils' reading. If pupils fall behind, the school takes swift action to make sure they catch up.

Pupils practise reading every day. Pupils become confident, fluent readers.

Pupils enjoy listening to the class story at the end of the day.

Pupils share their enthusiasm about the different books that teachers read to them. Leaders ensure that the stories cover a wide variety of subjects, written by quality authors. The reading ambassadors play an active role in promoting reading and in creating spaces to read at breaktimes.

Pupils learn mathematics well. It is clear what pupils should learn and remember over time. Regular checks are made to ensure pupils' knowledge is secure.

Catch-up programmes are in place for those who need this. These help pupils build strong knowledge of the basics in mathematics that they can then apply in lessons.

Leaders and staff have high ambitions for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Staff know pupils well. Pupils get the right support and use the right resources, which means they achieve success. Pupils achieve the best they can, irrespective of any barrier they may face.

This prepares them well for their next stage in education.

In the foundation subjects, leaders ensure the curriculum is broad and balanced. Teachers introduce a wide range of information clearly and pupils enjoy learning these subjects.

However, information does not always build on what pupils already know. This is because the most important knowledge to be learned by the end of a topic is yet to be clearly identified.

Children in the early years get off to a good start.

Leaders provide children with meaningful opportunities to develop their communication and language skills. Strong reading routines begin in the early years. Children's independence is encouraged at every opportunity.

Children thrive in response to the wealth of learning opportunities available to them indoors and out.

Pupils have high expectations of their own behaviour and that of others. Pupils are highly knowledgeable about how to take care of their own mental health and well-being.

They appreciate how staff support them during nurture group time. When explaining the importance of this, one pupil said, 'This is so everyone can be their best self.'

The curriculum to support pupils' wider personal development is exceptional.

Leaders ensure this prepares pupils fully for the challenges they may face outside of school. Pupils learn about British values and show thorough knowledge of these. They are effusive when they talk about the rights of individuals and equality.

Pupils understand they are preparing to be good citizens. They know that what they learn in school is a big part of their future success. They recognise the positive contribution they make to the community, for example by being part of crochet club, making hats for babies at the local hospital.

Subject leaders are supported to fulfil their roles. They have expert knowledge and use this to develop others. All staff are proud to work at the school.

Governors are very supportive. They hold leaders to account for the achievement of pupils and the quality of the curriculum that pupils experience.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In the foundation subjects, the most important knowledge that pupils need to learn has not been mapped out clearly enough. This leads to some gaps in pupils' knowledge in these subjects. Leaders should continue with their plans to identify the core knowledge to be learned by the end of a topic.

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