Yatton Infant School

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About Yatton Infant School

Name Yatton Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Jo Keeble
Address High Street, Yatton, Bristol, BS49 4HJ
Phone Number 01934833524
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-7
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 182
Local Authority North Somerset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud to attend Yatton Infant School. They are eager to learn and feel safe.

Pupils understand what it means to be a 'Yatton Learner'. They know how these qualities help them to become confident, resilient and respectful members of the school community.

Staff have high expectations for pupils' behaviour and conduct.

Pupils follow the school rules and listen to instructions well. As a result, the school is calm and orderly. Pupils understand what bullying is but say that it does not happen often.

They are confident that adults would deal with any issues quickly.

Pupils enjoy strong relationships with staff and each other. They talk... confidently about the importance of being kind and considerate.

Pupils know that adults will listen to them and help them with any worries that they have.

Pupils enjoy the range of clubs and opportunities that are on offer to them, such as French, coding and the school council. They enjoy the links they have with the local junior school and the work they do to support community events.

Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the school. One said, 'Yatton Infant School is such a friendly and happy place to learn.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders know the school well.

With the help of the trust, they have put in place an ambitious curriculum which meets the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those who are disadvantaged. Staff are proud to work at the school. They appreciate how leaders support their well-being and consider their workload.

Staff and pupils share a love of reading. Pupils say that reading 'entertains' them and helps them to learn. They enjoy the way in which their teachers read a wide range of texts to them with real enthusiasm.

Staff benefit from the training they receive. This ensures that they are confident and able to teach phonics effectively. From the start of early years, children develop their language skills and learn early sounds well.

As pupils progress, staff ensure that books pupils read match the sounds they are learning. If pupils fall behind, they receive the support they need to help them to catch up quickly. As a result, pupils read with increasing fluency and accuracy.

The mathematics curriculum is well planned and carefully sequenced. This starts in the early years. Children confidently use mathematical words such as 'more than' and 'fewer than' to describe numbers.

Teachers build on this in Years 1 and 2. Pupils use their knowledge of number well when completing more complex tasks.

Pupils learn well in most of the wider curriculum subjects.

In geography, for example, leaders have identified the important knowledge that pupils need to learn.Teachers adapt activities well so that pupils use their prior knowledge to gain a strong understanding of the features of different countries. However, in some other subjects, teachers do not check pupils' learning of prior content well enough.

As a result, subsequent learning does not routinely build on what pupils already know or enable them to deepen their understanding. This slows the progress that some pupils make.

Leaders are ambitious for what pupils with SEND can achieve.

They quickly identify the individual needs of pupils. Teachers and other staff work closely together to ensure that pupils with SEND are well supported in lessons. As a result, these pupils learn the same curriculum as their peers.

Pupils display positive attitudes towards learning. They work hard and concentrate well in their lessons. Children in the early years are enthusiastic, listen well and take turns.

They get off to a good start because of this.

Leaders support pupils' personal development well. Pupils get a varied set of experiences outside of lessons.

They understand how the school's 'learning college' and the activities it provides, such as yoga and cooking, help their mental and physical health. Pupils talk confidently about diversity and tolerance and know why these are important in modern society.

Governors have an accurate view of the school's strengths and areas for improvement.

They ask the right questions to check on the quality of education that pupils receive.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders are vigilant in keeping pupils safe.

They know pupils and their families well. Staff use the training they receive to spot pupils who are at risk quickly. They record any concerns in a timely manner.

Leaders work well with a range of professionals and other agencies. This ensures that vulnerable pupils and their families receive the help they need.

Pupils learn how to stay safe.

They are taught about risks through the curriculum, visiting speakers and assemblies. They know what to do if they feel concerned.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, teachers do not check pupils' prior learning well enough.

Future learning is then not adapted effectively as a result of what pupils know. This slows some pupils' progress through the curriculum. Leaders need to ensure that teachers check what pupils know and remember and then use this to inform future learning.

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