Wood End Primary School

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About Wood End Primary School

Name Wood End Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mrs Moira Cross
Address Wood Street, Wood End, Atherstone, CV9 2QL
Phone Number 01827872237
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 158
Local Authority Warwickshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school This school has improved. Since the previous inspection, leaders, governors and the trust have worked together to improve teaching, the curriculum and pupils' behaviour.

Now, the school is a calm, orderly place where pupils work hard and make good progress. Academic standards coming up through the school are much higher than they used to be. At the end of key stage 1, standards in reading, writing and mathematics are in line with national figures and pupils are ready for their work in key stage 2.

In key stage 2, the standard of current pupils' work is also on the up. The majority of pupils are working at age-related expectations. They en...joy feelings of success across the curriculum, although attention to spelling could be better.

Good leadership has won the trust of parents, united the staff team and raised expectations. The executive headteacher provides strong leadership and has developed the leadership skills of others. There is now potential to strengthen the impact of other leaders' work across the school.

The Nursery and Reception classes give children a great start to school. Well-organised phonics teaching helps children on their way with reading and writing. The school's rules are fair, and most pupils behave well.

Any rough or rude behaviour on the playground is dealt with properly by staff. In class, pupils are usually attentive and respectful. The teaching of reading and writing is more organised and consistent than the teaching of mathematics.

In mathematics, teaching and resources are better in some classes than in others. In a few cases, staff give a lot of instructions that confuse pupils or limit what they can do. Systems for keeping pupils safe work well.

Staff act quickly when they have a concern about a pupil's welfare. A small number of pupils miss too much school without good reason and fall behind in their learning. Parents express positive views about the school.

They have many opportunities to find out about school life and classroom learning. In some

Information about this school

Most pupils are White British. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is just below the national average.

The proportion of pupils with SEND at the school is above the national average. The school is in the Community Academies Trust (CAT). CAT's board of trustees is responsible for setting the strategic direction of CAT's schools.

The trustees employ a chief executive officer (CEO) to oversee and work with all of CAT's schools. At a local level, a governing body provides governance of two trust schools: Wood End Primary and Dordon Primary. An executive headteacher divides her time between the two schools.

She is responsible for the work and performance of both schools. An associate headteacher provides day-to-day operational leadership at Wood End Primary. The school has five mixed year-group classes and a Nursery, which admits three-year-olds.

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