Westfield Primary School

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About Westfield Primary School

Name Westfield Primary School
Website http://www.westfieldprimaryschool.org
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Samantha Hickey
Address Westfield Primary School, Westfield Road, Cottingham, HU16 5PE
Phone Number 01482844369
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 463
Local Authority East Riding of Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Westfield enjoy being part of this welcoming and supportive school.

They are happy and polite and communicate with kindness. Relationships in school are warm and built on respect. Pupils know that staff care and will help them.

Pupils like coming to school. They enjoy learning and are keen to join in during lessons.

Leaders, at all levels, have high expectations and ambitions for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

They are committed to ensuring that all pupils succeed. Pupils benefit from resources such as a dedicated room for digital literacy and classroom reading areas. The curriculum is... enhanced at Westfield through a wide range of well-attended, extra-curricular clubs.

Expectations of pupils' behaviour in lessons are very high. The school has a highly inclusive culture where children are supported to do well. Instances of low-level disruption do not happen.

As a result, classrooms are exceptionally calm and focused learning environments.

Pupils are taught how to stay safe, including when online. As a result, pupils are very confident in this area.

One pupil said the staff are 'very good at teaching you about online safety'. This is a strength of the school's work.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed a broad and ambitious curriculum.

In many areas of the curriculum, such as mathematics, computing and physical education, the school has clearly identified the knowledge they want pupils to learn. This includes how pupils will revisit and build on this knowledge over time. Pupils can remember and apply the key knowledge.

This is clear from what pupils say and the work they produce. In these areas, the curriculum is having a positive impact on pupils' learning.

Where the school has not yet identified the knowledge they want pupils to know, the curriculum is less developed.

This means that pupils are not able to remember or apply key learning effectively enough.

Reading is a priority at Westfield. Pupils talk with enthusiasm about the books they enjoy reading.

They have access to a wide range of texts. Pupils read books that are well matched to their phonics knowledge. As a result of effective training, staff have strong subject knowledge.

They use consistent approaches to teach phonics. This means that pupils learn to read well. The school quickly identifies additional support some pupils may need with their reading.

This support is effective.

Staff with responsibility for pupils with SEND know the pupils well. They quickly identify the support that pupils need.

They evaluate the impact of this work regularly. Staff are well trained to meet the needs of all pupils. As a result, pupils with SEND are supported effectively.

The curriculum for these pupils is ambitious and adapted to ensure that they make progress.Behaviour at Westfield is exceptional. In lessons and around school, pupils are calm, focused and motivated to learn.

Engagement in lessons is particularly strong. Leaders monitor behaviour very well and offer carefully considered support where it is needed. The school's behaviour system is highly effective.

All groups of pupils attend school regularly.

The school has created a clear programme for pupils to learn about staying safe and being healthy. Pupils know how to look after their own mental health.

Pupils have a strong understanding of fundamental British values. However, they have a very limited understanding of other faiths and cultures.

Children in the early years foundation stage get off to an exceptional start at Westfield.

Very strong curriculum design and delivery ensures that the provision children receive is of a very high standard. Leaders have made very well-considered choices about the resources and activities they want children to access. These choices respond to the individual barriers children have when they arrive at the school.

As a result, children's engagement and sustained focus is outstanding. Staff support children very effectively. They act swiftly and with purpose.

As a result of the school's work in the early years, pupils are ready for the demands of Year 1.

Most families recognise the effective work of the school. Governors are effective in their role.

They know the school well and balance support and challenge effectively. Staff are well supported. They recognise the impact of leaders' work to improve well-being.

They appreciate this work.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some curriculum areas, pupils do not acquire detailed and sufficient knowledge.

This means that they are unable to remember what they have been taught. The school must ensure that the curriculum identifies the knowledge they want pupils to remember. This should be coherently planned and sequenced to support pupils to build knowledge over time.

• Pupils do not have a secure understanding of other faiths and cultures. Their knowledge is very limited. To help prepare pupils for life in modern Britain more effectively, the school must ensure that the curriculum helps pupils develop a secure understanding of other faiths and cultures.

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