Weald of Kent Grammar School

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About Weald of Kent Grammar School

Name Weald of Kent Grammar School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Richard Booth
Address Tudeley Lane, Tonbridge, TN9 2JP
Phone Number 01732373500
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 1966
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are encouraged to work hard and aim for personal success. They know that their teachers want them to do well, and most pupils feel supported in meeting these expectations. Pupils achieve well and study a broad range of subjects with a strong focus on academic excellence.

Pupils learn about British values and the importance of diversity and equality. They are encouraged to listen to each other and form points of view about important issues. Although there are some opportunities in the school for pupils to take on leadership roles, these are limited in scope.

Some pupils would like greater opportunities to have their voices heard on issues that are important to t...hem.

While most pupils feel safe at school, a significant number are concerned about bullying. Many pupils do not feel able to talk to adults in school about their worries.

Some pupils are also reluctant to talk to adults about their mental health and well-being and this prevents them from asking for help when they need it. When pupils do speak to adults in school about these issues, they receive effective support.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils typically behave well at this school.

They join in with learning and show enthusiasm in lessons. However, not all teachers are consistent in managing pupils' behaviour. Some are uncertain about how to apply the school's behaviour policy and would like clearer guidance and training.

Pupils sometimes feel confused about teachers' expectations of them, particularly at social times and between lessons.

Leaders' approach to tackling bullying is not sufficiently strategic or urgent. This has damaged the confidence of many pupils in the effectiveness of the school's leadership.

Some pupils are reluctant to express their concerns about bullying because they do not think that these will be listened to or acted on.

Pupils learn well at the school. Leaders have developed a broad and ambitious curriculum.

They have high expectations of what all pupils can achieve, including those pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Teachers have expert knowledge of the subjects they teach and use this to challenge pupils. At times, teachers do not check that pupils have understood what has been taught before moving on.

This results in some pupils developing gaps in their learning. This is also the case in the sixth form. Leaders rightly recognise this inconsistency and have identified it as a focus in training.

Leaders have made the development of pupils' literacy a priority. Pupils talk enthusiastically about books they are reading either in class or at home. Teachers focus on new vocabulary as part of lessons.

Leaders have created opportunities for pupils to develop their debating skills. This work has been recently introduced and is beginning to have a positive impact on pupils' confidence to express their points of view.Leaders have set about developing a programme of personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education that is engaging and relevant to pupils.

Pupils are interested and inspired by some of the newly introduced topics that they have studied very recently. However, over time, pupils' PSHE education lessons have not given them the confidence to apply their learning to their everyday lives. These lessons have not helped to create a culture where pupils feel confident to discuss things that are worrying them with adults in school.

Students in the sixth form are much more positive about the impact and relevance of their PSHE education lessons.

Pupils receive appropriate advice about careers and next steps. While leaders ensure that this includes the full range of options, some pupils would like a greater focus on vocational routes, including apprenticeships.

Students in the sixth form appreciate the support they receive with university applications. Some students would like information about a wide range of careers to be more easily available.

The range of extra-curricular activities available does not currently reflect the breadth of pupils' interests.

Leaders recognise that the extra-curricular offer needs to be broader and are in the process of introducing new opportunities across the school's two sites.

Leaders have thought carefully about the training programme for staff so that it reflects the school's priorities and the needs of individual staff. Teachers who are early in their career feel well supported.

Some staff do not feel that leaders take their workload into account when making decisions.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have ensured that all staff receive regular and up-to-date safeguarding training.

When staff have concerns about a pupil's well-being, they follow the school procedures by logging these promptly. Senior leaders and pastoral staff follow up on any issues identified quickly and effectively. Referrals to external agencies are made when appropriate.

The necessary pre-employment checks are carried out on new staff and accurate records kept. Trustees understand their duties with regard to safeguarding and ensure that the school's procedures are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• A significant proportion of pupils do not feel comfortable in talking to adults in school about bullying.

This has resulted in pupils' concerns about bullying going unnoticed by leaders. Leaders must address this aspect of the school's culture and create an environment in which pupils feel confident to come forward and talk to adults in school if they are worried. Trustees should check that leaders' actions are effective in securing this change.

Some staff are not consistent in applying the school's behaviour policy. This has resulted in some pupils feeling unfairly treated. Leaders must ensure that expectations of pupils and staff are clearly understood by all and that training is provided where necessary to support this.

• Sometimes, teachers move on to new learning before pupils have understood what is being taught. When this happens, some pupils are left behind because they cannot access what comes next. Leaders have identified this as a focus area for staff training and should continue to make sure that this practice becomes consistent.

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