The Bulwell Academy

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About The Bulwell Academy

Name The Bulwell Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Matt Irons
Address Hucknall Lane, Nottingham, NG6 8AQ
Phone Number 01159647640
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1074
Local Authority Nottingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Bulwell Academy has been through a period of significant change. During this time, the school has improved.

However, it has been an unsettling time for pupils. Many pupils and parents have been frustrated by the many changes to staffing and leadership.

The school has high expectations for how pupils should behave.

The majority of pupils are respectful and behave well. They try hard in lessons. Pupils value the 'Bulwell Bucks' they can earn for working hard and demonstrating positive attitudes.

However, a minority of pupils cause disruptions to learning. Some are disrespectful to their peers. This poor behaviour means that many pupils do not enjoy sch...ool as much as they should.

The curriculum has improved. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), now benefit from an ambitious curriculum designed to give them the knowledge and skills they need to be successful. However, in some areas the curriculum is still developing.

Pupils do not all achieve as well as they should.

The school provides a wide range of extra-curricular activities for pupils to pursue their wider talents and interests. These include sports, performing arts, and self-defence.

Pupils benefit from good advice about their next stage in education and future careers.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum at key stage 3 is broad and ambitious. At key stage 4, pupils choose from a wide variety of courses.

Most pupils with SEND are well supported to follow the same curriculum as their peers. Those with more complex needs benefit from a variety of ambitious and carefully planned pathways.

The school has worked hard to develop the curriculum.

In most subjects, staff have precisely identified the knowledge that pupils should learn. The curriculum plans are sequenced well so that pupils build knowledge as they progress. However, in some subjects, staff are less clear about what pupils need to learn.

Sometimes knowledge is not ordered in a way that helps pupils to make links to what they have learned previously.

Most teachers are subject specialists. They explain concepts clearly and plan lesson activities that focus sharply on the important knowledge.

They provide opportunities for pupils to recall what they have learned previously. This helps pupils to remember what they have learned and make connections to new knowledge.

Staff have worked collaboratively to develop routines for checking pupils' learning.

In some lessons, staff question pupils skilfully to check their understanding and identify misconceptions. When misunderstandings occur, staff can adapt lessons quickly to make sure that learning is secure. However, in some other lessons, staff do not check pupils' learning well enough.

In those cases, gaps in pupils' knowledge are not addressed effectively.

Staff understand the needs of pupils with SEND well. They provide resources and support for these pupils when they need it.

Staff quickly identify pupils that need extra help with reading and help them to develop fluency.

Most pupils attend school regularly and arrive on time. However, too many pupils are absent too often or late to school.

Too many pupils miss school due to being suspended for poor behaviour. The school has worked hard to support these pupils. Attendance has improved and the number of pupils suspended has fallen.

The school has planned a curriculum for personal, social and health education (PSHE). Pupils learn about relationships, British values, diversity and equality as well as different faiths and cultures. However, this is not yet delivered effectively to all pupils.

As a result, many pupils have gaps in their understanding of these important themes.

Although the school has improved rapidly, many pupils have had a negative experience over recent years. They told inspectors that they do not always feel valued as members of the school community.

There are few opportunities for pupils to take responsibility or leadership roles. Most staff are positive about the changes the school has made. They value the support they receive to develop their expertise and manage their workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Too many pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND, miss too many days of school due to being absent or suspended from school for poor behaviour. Furthermore, a significant minority of pupils miss out on learning opportunities because they do not regularly arrive at school on time.

As a result, these pupils do not benefit from the school's curriculum as well as they should. The school needs to ensure that all pupils attend school regularly, and on time. ? In a number of subjects, the curriculum is not well planned.

In some subjects, the school has not identified the important knowledge that pupils will learn. In some other subjects, the plans are not sequenced well enough. This means that pupils do not build knowledge or develop a depth of understanding in those subjects.

The school needs to make sure that the curriculum identifies what pupils will learn and when they will learn it, in all subjects, so that all pupils gain the knowledge and skills they need to achieve well. The curriculum is not delivered consistently well across the school. Some lessons do not focus well enough on the knowledge that pupils need to learn.

Sometimes staff do not check pupils' understanding closely enough or adapt lessons to make sure that all pupils learn and remember the important knowledge. Pupils do not always receive feedback from staff to address misconceptions or help them improve their work. The school needs to make sure that all staff deliver the curriculum well to meet the needs of all pupils.

• The curriculum for pupils' broader personal development is not delivered effectively. It does not support pupils to learn about British values, equality, or different faiths and cultures in sufficient depth. Some pupils do not benefit from age-appropriate PSHE.

There are few opportunities for pupils to take roles of responsibility or contribute to the school or wider community. As a result, pupils are not as well prepared for their future lives as they should be. The school needs to make sure that the curriculum provides opportunities for all pupils to become responsible, respectful, active citizens so that they can contribute positively to society.

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