Studley High School

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About Studley High School

Name Studley High School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Richard Eost
Address Crooks Lane, Studley, B80 7QX
Phone Number 01527852478
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 849
Local Authority Warwickshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Respectful, caring and supportive relationships are at the heart of Studley High school (SHS).

An overwhelming sense of community and mutual respect greets you as you arrive. Pupils are happy in school and support each other's needs. Pupils understand and follow the SHS values.

These include being aspirational, charitable and resilient. These values run through everything the school does. Pupils feel safe and say that poor behaviour is rare.

A typical parent comment is: 'The school has a real, family atmosphere coupled with high standards and expectations of the pupils.'

The school has set very high expectations for pupils' future academic achieveme...nts and their wider development. Staff relentlessly focus on helping pupils to meet these high standards.

Remembering key knowledge is a focus in every subject. As a result, pupils achieve exceptionally well throughout their learning.

The school places an exceptionally strong emphasis on pupils' personal development.

The school puts itself at the centre of the local community to celebrate and support pupils inside and outside school. Pupil leadership opportunities include well-being and fundraising ambassadors. The majority of pupils take part in an extensive range of high-quality enrichment opportunities.

Musical theatre, STEM and coding clubs enhance pupils' wider experiences.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

There is exceptional leadership of this school. Leaders have designed a highly ambitious and rigorous curriculum for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The curriculum successfully encourages and enables pupils to achieve their academic potential. In all classes positive relationships between staff and pupils help pupils to learn the most important skills and knowledge across the curriculum exceptionally well.

The school has precisely identified the important things that pupils need to know to succeed.

Teachers present new subject matter clearly and consistently in every department. Teachers use 'recall' activities at the start of lessons to help pupils recall and build on their learning. Teachers routinely check what pupils know and ensure that they understand what they have to do well.

Pupils confidently talk about what they know and understand in a range of subjects. For example, in English, Year 8 pupils could recall their knowledge of persuasion techniques from previous learning to use in their current work.

The school identifies pupils with SEND exceptionally well.'

Pupil Passports' provide precise information for staff about pupils' individual needs. Teachers use this information very effectively to adapt their teaching to meet their needs. The school has implemented an extensive range of strategies to support pupils who are not confident readers.

These include specialist teachers who rapidly address weaknesses in phonics, grammar and comprehension. Pupils value reading. The library's use, including from pupil book champions, is extensive throughout the week.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. Pupils display excellent self-control and highly positive attitudes to learning. Staff and pupils share highly respectful relationships.

This creates an open and encouraging culture where everyone is equally valued. School attendance is high with robust systems in place to support absent pupils to catch up on their work quickly. The school communicates exceptionally well with parents and carers about the importance of pupils being in school.

The school ensures that pupils' personal development is a high priority. An extensive personal development curriculum promotes the development of pupils' character and interests exceptionally well. All pupils spoken to have a detailed understanding of healthy relationships and respecting the views of others.

Pupils regularly discuss careers, university aspirations, and apprenticeships. This prepares pupils extremely well for the next stages of their education and careers.

Trustees and governors know the school exceptionally well.

They support and challenge appropriately in meetings and during school visits. They hold the school to account well for all aspects of provision, including exceptional safeguarding and the quality of SEND provision. Leaders have implemented a well-thought-out professional development programme for staff which staff welcome.

Ongoing encouragement, praise and an openness to research are key to this. The school supports all staff with both their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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