Springfields First School

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About Springfields First School

Name Springfields First School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Alison Bagnall
Address Yarnfield, Stone, ST15 0NJ
Phone Number 01785337310
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-9
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 161
Local Authority Staffordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Springfields First School provides a caring and safe environment for pupils to learn in. The school is at the centre of a small village and is seen by pupils, parents and staff as an integral part of the local community. Pupils feel like they belong at the school.

This gives them confidence and helps them fully engage in school life.

The school is a happy place for children to learn. Many pupils start the day with smiles on their faces and maintain their joy through lessons and playtimes.

They make good friends and look after each other. Most pupils have never experienced bullying and are confident that adults will sort things out quickly if necessary.
...r/>Adults expect all pupils to achieve well.

Pupils study a broad range of subjects and are well prepared for the next stage of their education by the time they leave the school.

Pupils take part in a range of clubs and activities that enrich their experiences at school. Many enjoy after-school sports events or participate in creative clubs arranged by staff.

Older pupils eagerly anticipate the opportunity to attend a school residential trip in Year 4.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have carefully considered the design of the school's curriculum. They have identified the knowledge they expect pupils to know and remember in most subjects.

Curriculum leaders worked with staff as part of this task. Together, they arranged curriculum content so that pupils' knowledge builds logically over time. For example, children in the early years learn different methods for joining materials.

Pupils in Year 1 build on this knowledge when designing simple models. Pupils make good progress by learning the planned curriculum. However, the content pupils are expected to learn is not precisely set out in a small number of subjects.

This potentially limits pupils learning.

Teachers present information clearly to pupils. They understand the subject matter they teach and provide useful explanations that pupils understand.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are identified accurately and supported well. Pupils use additional resources when appropriate and sometimes receive extra help from adults. Adults who provide this extra support expect pupils with SEND to engage and take part in lessons.

This ensures that all pupils access the school's full curriculum.

Staff make checks on what pupils know in all subjects. They address misconceptions and provide pupils with feedback in most subjects.

They also regularly recap on main learning points. This helps pupils to remember the key content that leaders expect them to know. However, in a few subjects, the checks that teachers make are not always precise.

This makes it more difficult for teachers to identify what pupils know and remember.

Leaders make reading a school priority and pupils are encouraged to read regularly. Libraries, classrooms and corridors promote a broad range of engaging books that pupils enjoy.

Children hear stories, rhymes and songs from when they begin in pre-school. They then learn to read more formally in Reception Year through daily phonics lessons. The school's approach to teaching phonics is well organised and successful.

All of this means that most pupils are fluent readers by the time they enter Year 3.

Pupils understand the school's behaviour code 'Ready – Safe – Respect'. They reflect this code in their attitudes and conduct.

For instance, they are 'ready' to learn before lessons start. Adults are alert to spot pupils doing the right things. Pupils appreciate this.

They work hard to be placed on their classroom 'recognition board'. Their positive behaviour makes classrooms calm and orderly so that everyone can concentrate on their learning.

Pupils learn the importance of respect for others.

They consider different types of families, cultures and religions through their study of the curriculum and school assemblies. These sessions broaden pupils' understanding of life in modern Britain and the wider world. Staff arrange opportunities for pupils to show that they care about others.

For example, older pupils buddy up with younger ones to help them practise reading.

Leaders ensure that pupils who need it can access a programme of pastoral care. This programme helps pupils to understand and manage their emotions.

This initiative is making a positive difference to pupils and families.

Governors have clear roles and responsibilities. They gather a range of information and have an accurate view of the school.

This allows them to maintain oversight and fulfil statutory duties, including the duty of care to staff. Staff enjoy working at the school and morale is high. This impacts positively on pupils' experiences at school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The school has a positive safeguarding culture. Staff understand their role in keeping pupils safe.

They know what to do if they have a concern about a child and take swift action. This includes leaders working with external agencies and families when necessary.

Pupils feel safe at school.

They know who to talk to if they are worried about something. They learn how to keep safe in different circumstances, such as when using the internet.

Leaders ensure that checks are made on the suitability of adults before they work or volunteer at the school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders have not identified the precise knowledge that pupils are expected to learn in a small number of subjects. This limits teachers' ability to check that pupils are remembering the most important content. Leaders should ensure that the curriculum is suitably specific in all subjects.

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