Shephalbury Park Primary School

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About Shephalbury Park Primary School

Name Shephalbury Park Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Co Headteacher Gail Cropley
Address Burydale, Broadwater, Stevenage, SG2 8AX
Phone Number 01438235454
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 226
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Shephalbury Park is a motivating, calm and friendly place for pupils to learn in. There is a culture of learners at this school. Pupils take risks in their learning.

Pupils feel safe and happy because staff are kind, caring and help them to learn.

Staff have high expectations of pupils' achievement and personal development. Pupils want to do their best.

They enjoy learning a broad range of subjects and take great pride in their achievements. Pupils have rich experiences that develop their character and help to shape their view of the world. Leaders use real-life scenarios to capture and capitalise on pupils' interests.

Pupils show tolerance and respe...ct for others and have a strong understanding of why this is important. They learn about different communities and have meaningful discussions about their importance in modern Britain. Pupils develop independence and take on responsibilities, for example when selecting resources for a specific task in the classroom.

Pupils play happily together at breaktime and lunchtime. Pupils say that bullying does not happen in their school and that they know the right ways to resolve friendship issues. Pupils have a can-do attitude to learning, listen well and respond positively to having ownership of their learning.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders make careful choices about what pupils will learn by the time they leave the school. Leaders prioritise the teaching of phonics, reading and mathematics to ensure that pupils have the foundations for learning. However, there is a broad curriculum in place that pupils enjoy learning.

Leaders' curriculum plans set out the knowledge and skills that pupils should learn in each subject in small steps. This builds from Nursery to Year 6. By the time they leave in Year 6, most pupils are well prepared for learning in secondary school.

Teachers make skilful adaptations to the curriculum to help pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Teachers use information about the individual needs of pupils with SEND to provide any extra help that is needed. This enables pupils with SEND to access the same broad curriculum as their classmates.

Most pupils with SEND make strong progress in their learning.

Teachers check routinely what pupils know and can remember. However, in a few subjects, pupils do not have enough opportunities to practise and apply what they have been taught.

As a result, pupils are less secure with some skills and knowledge needed for later learning in these subjects. In the early years, adults sometimes plan activities that do not focus precisely enough on what they want children to learn. When this is the case, children find it hard to make connections with what they have learned previously, and struggle to remember and use important knowledge.

Pupils behave calmly in all areas of the school. They take responsibility for their behaviour and actions. During lessons, pupils are attentive and focused on their learning.

From Nursery, pupils learn about the 'Shephalbury learner' and about what makes a good learner. Pupils say you learn most when you challenge yourself and go out of your comfort zone. Pupils learn and use strategies to manage their own behaviour particularly well.

They show excellent attitudes to learning. No learning time is lost due to even minor off-task behaviour. Pupils speak proudly about their school and how they share and celebrate success.

Pupils across the school learn about diversity, inclusion, and British values. External visitors and mock elections for the school council support pupils' understanding of values such as democracy. There are a range of pupil leadership roles.

Pupils develop a strong understanding of how they can contribute to their community. Leaders provide high-quality pastoral support, based on an exceptionally strong understanding of pupils' and families' needs.

Pupils spoke enthusiastically about the school's three mental health characters, 'Phil Good', 'Will Being' and 'Bea Happy'.

These help pupils to learn about emotions and how to stay mentally and physically healthy. Pupils ask for help when they need it. There is a 'Phil Good' question of the week that pupils respond to.

These questions include 'How to stay safe on Halloween?' and 'How can we save money in our home?'

Leaders focus on upskilling staff to be leaders. Staff work collaboratively and seek support from colleagues to develop good practice. Leaders' checks on curriculum areas do not always focus on progression of knowledge and skills from Nursery to Year 6.

Governors are knowledgeable. They work in partnership with school leaders to challenge and develop school priorities. Leaders are clear about what could be even better, and work together to make it happen.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have created a culture of safeguarding in the school. Regular training ensures that staff are aware of contextual risks to pupils.

Staff spot concerns. They know how and to whom to pass their concerns on. School leaders ensure that pupils and their families get support quickly, through a range of agencies, to keep pupils safe.

Leaders ensure that they have strong relationships with families and know what support they need.

Pupils know how to keep themselves safe online and in real life. Pupils talk about the school's 'big question' approach, where they have gained this knowledge.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In the early years, adults do not always plan activities that focus precisely on what they intend children to learn. Children sometimes miss out on key learning, fail to make connections with previous learning and struggle to remember what they have learned. Leaders should ensure that all planned activities in the early years are focused clearly on the intended learning and help children to remember more.

• In some subjects, leaders have not ensured that pupils have the opportunity to practise and apply what they have been taught. Pupils have gaps in knowledge and skills. Leaders must check more rigorously that teachers provide sufficient opportunities for pupils to practise and apply using their knowledge in all subjects to ensure that pupils' learning is secure across the full curriculum.

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