Shelley First School

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About Shelley First School

Name Shelley First School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Elizabeth McLoughlin
Address School Terrace, Far Bank, Huddersfield, HD8 8HU
Phone Number 01484604484
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-10
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 178
Local Authority Kirklees
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school embodies Shelley values that include caring for each other, having respect, supporting everyone and celebrating successes. The school is inclusive and provides pupils with experiences to develop their interests and talents.

Pupils attend extra-curricular clubs such as choir, textiles and various sporting activities. They apply the skills they have developed in sports competitions and performances. Teachers have high expectations of what pupils can achieve.

Pupils rise to meet these expectations.

Teachers help pupils to understand different cultures and faiths through a variety of educational visits and visiting speakers. These visitors help pupils ...learn about the jobs they may be interested to do in the future.

These activities help to build character.

Pupils have high-profile roles in school such as 'head boy' and 'head girl', 'eco-community members' and 'pedagogy pals'. Pupils take pride in these leadership roles and responsibilities, and their actions positively affect school life.

Behaviour in lessons and around the school is good. The atmosphere in classrooms is calm, quiet and purposeful. Pupils are polite, well-mannered and kind to each other.

Pupils learn how to recognise bullying. Should it occur, members of staff respond to it and sort it out.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have ensured that reading is a school priority.

Pupils who are in the early stages of learning to read have daily phonics lessons. Pupils practise by reading books that are well matched to their knowledge. Staff receive training to teach these lessons effectively.

The curriculum has been constructed to ensure that all pupils learn alongside their classmates. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are provided with tailored adjustments in each subject area. In reading, leaders do this through catch-up or fresh start programmes.

These are implemented effectively, and pupils are engaged and motivated to learn.

Teachers use assessment systems to check short-term and long-term learning across subjects. This allows them to identify where plans can be adjusted to help pupils to learn the curriculum.

The curriculum in reading and mathematics is well established and strong. Here, teachers help pupils to build their knowledge step by step. Learning is revisited effectively, which helps pupils to remember.

The curriculum and its delivery in early years is exceptional. What is striking is the way in which pupils' vocabulary is extended. Leaders take care to model and teach what words and concepts children should learn to help them build their knowledge into Year 1.

Leaders' plans start from Reception Year, with a focus on learning to read, write and build their vocabulary. Staff in Reception Year receive training in line with the children's learning needs. This supports staff to design and implement learning opportunities that have significant impact.

Pupils behave well in and around school. They focus on their work when in classrooms and are courteous and kind to each other. Leaders support pupils' personal development effectively.

This includes thematic weeks such as enterprise week, creative culture week and careers week.

Leaders are relentless in seeking the very best for pupils at Shelley. The new headteacher has brought increased focus and quiet dynamism to the school.

There is a strong ethos of support and teamwork among the staff. Senior leaders invest in staff at all levels to empower and equip them to have the skills and knowledge they need to support pupils' learning. Staff recognise and appreciate this.

They are positive about the support and consideration they receive from school leaders. Staff and subject leaders comment on how senior leaders are continually improving the curriculum and wider provision offered to pupils. Local governors who report to trustees are extremely knowledgeable about the school.

They have high expectations of leaders and check on their work robustly. They are committed to the success of every pupil.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Pupils feel safe in school. They can confidently identify trusted adults who will help them if they have a worry or a concern. The curriculum ensures that pupils are knowledgeable about risks.

They know how to stay safe online, for example.

Leaders take their safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. They make the necessary checks on the suitability of staff who work at the school and record these accurately.

Staff are well trained, and the profile of safeguarding is supported by regular meetings and quizzes. Staff identify any potential safeguarding concerns. When necessary, leaders take swift action and work well with external agencies.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The impact of the curriculum has been less strong in some foundation subjects. As a result, some pupils have gaps in their knowledge in these subjects. Leaders should ensure that pupils are able to link and build on prior knowledge so that they do as well in all foundation subjects as they do in English and mathematics.

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