Sandhill Primary School

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About Sandhill Primary School

Name Sandhill Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher/Ceo Mr James Haywood
Address Dearne Street, Great Houghton, Barnsley, S72 0EQ
Phone Number 01226106031
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 231
Local Authority Barnsley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Sandhill Primary School has been on a significant improvement journey.

At the centre of this journey is a shared ambition for every pupil to become the best version of themselves.

Pupils' successes are recognised and praised publicly. Raffle tickets are available for pupils who read regularly.

Pupils can achieve 'Class Keys', rosettes and Dojos. In weekly assemblies, pupils who do well can get a 'special mention'. Pupils value these rewards.

Positive and respectful relationships between adults and pupils are a priority. Many pupils say that the best thing about the school is the teachers.

Behaviour around school is calm and orderly.

...>In lessons, most pupils focus well. 'Regulation stations' are available in classrooms for pupils who need them. A sensory room is also available.

Any consequences for negative behaviours are managed privately.

Pupils have wide experiences. For example, they can attend 'Crucial Crew', 'Bikeabilty' and a residential to Kingswood.

Pupils who need someone to play with can go to the buddy bench at social times. Bullying Ambassadors help resolve problems before they escalate. As a result, bullying is rare.

The school has recently developed the curriculum. In established curriculums, pupils are beginning to flourish. This includes English and mathematics.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

In English and mathematics, curriculum thinking is well embedded. Priority learning is broken down into small steps. Adults have strong subject knowledge.

They know the best ways to teach the subjects well. This is helping pupils to build learning over time. Curriculums in some foundation subjects are more recent.

In these subjects, priority learning is identified through 'Give me Fives'. However, pupils do not always develop an understanding of important learning beyond the 'Give me Five' priorities. Leaders know there is more to do to ensure pupils learn the wider knowledge they need in these subjects.

The school has prioritised reading and oracy. In lessons such as history, teachers use 'echo reading' where the teacher reads a sentence and the class reads it back. This means everyone can access complex texts.

From the early years, pupils have 'talking partners'. This helps them develop their ideas before sharing them with the class. Pupils are exposed to important vocabulary from an early age.

For example, children in Reception learn to 'subitise' in mathematics. This helps pupils to apply previous learning to new ideas.At the start of lessons, teachers recap important learning from previous lessons.

However, in subjects where curriculum thinking is new, pupils' gaps in learning have not been addressed. This means pupils cannot always make sense of new learning or connect ideas.Early reading is taught well.

Adults have received appropriate training and are skilled in teaching pupils to read. This ensures pupils who are at the early stage of learning to read are well supported. Those who fall behind are supported to catch up quickly.

The provision for pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is a significant strength. In lessons, adults adapt learning to ensure it is accessible for everyone. Pupils who require additional support can access other support including 'regulation stations' and a sensory room.

At social times, pupils play well together. They are cooperative and kind. They respond well to the instructions of adults.

Classrooms are orderly and calm. Conduct is strong and pupils are respectful of others. In the early years, children follow clear routines.

They play well together and learn to share and cooperate.The school has prioritised attendance. There are robust systems in place to support pupils to attend well.

This includes working supportively with families. As a result, attendance is improving.The school places a strong emphasis on the personal development of pupils.

Pupils know that equality is important. For example, they know about the work of Martin Luther King and his lasting impact on tackling racism. Pupils understand equality.

They recently enjoyed an 'express yourself' day where they could celebrate what makes them unique.Pupils know about online and offline risks. They understand the actions they can take to be safe.

Breakfast club provides time for socialising, physical activity and healthy foods to start the day off well.Governance is strong. Governors provide robust challenge to leaders in a number of ways, including through visits.

Staff talk positively about the significant support they have received from the trust. It is clear that those responsible for governance have played a significant role in supporting the school to improve.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of foundation subjects, the school has recently developed the curriculum. In these subjects, pupils do not always develop an understanding of important learning beyond the identified 'Give me Five' priorities. The school should continue with their plans to embed the curriculum in these subjects so that pupils' learning is consistently strong across the full breadth of the subject curriculums.

• Pupils have gaps in their knowledge in some foundation subjects. This makes it hard for pupils to make sense of new ideas and concepts. The school should ensure that gaps in knowledge are consistently identified and addressed so that pupils have the knowledge they need to make sense of new learning.

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