Roseberry Primary and Nursery School

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About Roseberry Primary and Nursery School

Name Roseberry Primary and Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Emma Dunn
Address Pelton Lane, Pelton, Chester le Street, DH2 1NP
Phone Number 01913700182
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 265
Local Authority County Durham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Roseberry Primary and Nursery School is a safe and inclusive school. All pupils are included in all aspects of school life. Pupils benefit from a strong curriculum that helps them to learn how to be respectful, resilient and ready for life.

Staff and pupils have strong relationships. Pupils trust their teachers. Across the school, pupils look after each other.

Bullying is not an issue. At lunchtime, older pupils, who are 'play leaders', run games for younger pupils. This helps to build a tangible sense of community in school.

Play leaders and members of the school council are proud of their leadership roles.

Staff expect the best of pupils. Everyone school understands how to behave.

Pupils are polite to visitors and each other. They benefit from strong routines. This includes children in the Nursery and Reception.

Careful work by staff in the early years helps children to settle into school life and be ready for Year 1.

The school is held in high regard amongst the local community. Parents and carers appreciate the work of leaders and teachers.

Nearly all parents who completed Ofsted's Parent View survey would recommend the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum is well structured and ambitious. The school has prioritised staff's understanding of the curriculum.

Everyone in school knows the importance of a well-designed and well-taught curriculum. Subject leaders have benefited from specific training to help them to lead their subjects.

The curriculum is well taught.

Teachers keep everyone focused and attentive in lessons. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils with SEND are well supported.

They are able to access the curriculum successfully. For example, teachers quickly spot when pupils with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are likely to become unsettled. Adults in classes intervene appropriately when this occurs.

Pupils with SEND achieve well.

The school teaches most subjects, such as mathematics and physical education (PE), all through the year. Pupils talk confidently about what they have learned in these subjects over time.

A small number of subjects are not taught all year round. For example, pupils study art for one half term and then swap to study design and technology in the next half term. Pupils can go several weeks without revisiting what they have previously learned in these subjects.

As a result, pupils' knowledge in these subjects becomes less secure. For instance, pupils remember what dishes they have made during cookery lessons. However, they cannot recall some key knowledge identified by the school, such as the meaning of the terms 'cross-contamination' or 'carbohydrates'.

Reading is front and centre to life in school. Pupils adore reading. Phonics is well taught.

Pupils who need help with reading get the extra practice that they need to catch up. Children in Nursery are frequently read to by staff. When discussing stories, staff are attentive and encourage children to express their ideas.

Children begin to develop a love of reading from an early age as a result.

Pupils behave respectfully. They listen politely in lessons and follow instructions.

There are well-established routines in school, which are explicitly taught to pupils. The routines in the early years are just as strong. Children calmly wash their hands before snack time.

They sit patiently at their tables while drinks are being poured. They say 'thank you' to whoever is handing out their cups. Staff help children to learn good manners.

Attendance in school is not strong, but is improving. The school has rightly made addressing poor attendance of disadvantaged pupils a top priority. Staff are doing all they can to address poor attendance.

This includes frequent communication with parents, home visits and involving external agencies where necessary.

There are many strengths in the school's personal development offer. The provision for pupils' social development is particularly strong.

Lunchtime activities are carefully planned. These help pupils to develop their character and resilience. The curriculum helps pupils talk confidently about how to stay safe online and in the community.

In contrast, pupils are not able to talk convincingly about different faiths. This is despite visits to synagogues and churches. Although pupils know to respect people of different religions, they do not always remember what they learn about them.

Governance has strengthened since the previous inspection. The local governing body strikes the right balance between supporting and challenging leaders. School leaders and governors engage effectively with staff.

All staff who responded to Ofsted's staff survey said that leaders are considerate of their well-being. Staff are proud to work at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a minority of subjects, the curriculum is not planned well enough to enable pupils to remember important content over the long term. As a result, pupils have knowledge gaps in these subjects. Leaders need to ensure that the curriculum is planned so that pupils learn and remember important content over time in all subjects.

• The school's provision for the spiritual development of pupils is not consistently strong. This results in pupils not having a secure understanding of different people's religions and faiths. Leaders should ensure that provision for pupils' spiritual development is strengthened so that pupils can develop an improving understanding of faiths and cultural diversity.

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