Rivington Primary School

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About Rivington Primary School

Name Rivington Primary School
Website http://www.rivingtonprimary.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Clare Powell
Address Tennis Street North, Dentons Green, St Helens, WA10 6LF
Phone Number 01744678493
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 241
Local Authority St. Helens
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), do well in all aspects of their development at this school. Pupils come into school with smiles on their faces, happy to see their friends and staff.

They said that their school is 'one big family'.

Pupils typically behave well during lessons. Classrooms are calm and purposeful.

Pupils know that staff will help them with any worries or concerns that they may have. Pupils strive to be the best that they can be. The school's 'Rivington Way' helps everyone to understand what is expected of them.

Pupils are proud to receive the reward of breakfast with the headteacher..../>
The school has high expectations for pupils' academic achievement and for their wider development. Most pupils, including pupils with SEND, achieve well and enjoy their learning.

The programme for pupils' personal development is exemplary. Pupils delight in the variety of opportunities that are on offer. They talked highly of the trips and residential experiences that they can take part in.

Pupils relish the many leadership roles available to them, such as being on the pupil's leadership team and school council. They act successfully to bring about improvements in the school. For example, they have worked with the school to widen the variety of clubs available.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has carefully organised the curriculum so that it is aspirational and ambitious. The curriculum is structured well from the beginning of the early years through to the end of key stage 2. In the main, the curriculum is well designed and enriches pupils' learning across subjects.

Pupils develop a thirst for acquiring knowledge. This was shown in the Nursery class, where children were thrilled to share their learning about bugs and habitats.

In most subjects, the school has identified the essential knowledge that pupils should have so that their learning builds securely over time.

Where this is the case, pupils revisit this important knowledge frequently. Teachers act swiftly when they identify any gaps in pupils' learning. In these subjects, pupils learn well.

Nevertheless, in a small number of subjects, the curriculum is new. In these cases, there are gaps in what pupils need to know to access their current learning. This means children do not learn all that they could.

Reading is at the centre of the curriculum. Pupils are immersed in a broad range of interesting and culturally diverse texts. This helps them to broaden their vocabulary and to develop a love of reading.

They have many special opportunities to enjoy stories and to recommend their favourite books to each other. Older pupils are proud of their roles as reading ambassadors.The school prioritises early reading.

Children in the early years, including those in the Nursery class, enjoy listening to a range of nursery rhymes and traditional tales. They develop a deep and lasting love of reading. Pupils said that the school's reading areas provide them with a relaxing space to enjoy a book.

From the Reception Year, children benefit from a carefully constructed phonics programme that is delivered by well-trained staff. Staff ably support pupils who need extra help in learning phonics. Most pupils read fluently by the end of key stage 1.

The school has appropriate processes in place to identify any additional needs that pupils may have. Teachers are provided with information about the support and resources that will help these pupils to access the full curriculum. Pupils with SEND learn well during their time at school.

Pupils benefit from a wealth of remarkably considered experiences that help to prepare them exceptionally well for life in modern Britain. For example, they discuss and consider topical issues with deep understanding and empathy. These conversations are captured on the school podcast and shared across classes and with families.

This provides an effective model for how to discuss and debate issues respectfully. Pupils have an impressive understanding of equality. They fully respect differences between themselves and others.

Governors assure themselves that the school's systems are working well and that pupils receive a high-quality education. Staff value the support that they receive to fulfil their roles well. They appreciate how the school and governors make sure that their workload is manageable.

Staff are proud to work here.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of the newer curriculums there are gaps in what pupils know and can do.

This is because staff are not routinely checking what the pupils remember from the previous curriculum. From time to time, pupils do not have the knowledge that they need to access their new learning. The school should ensure that staff are skilled to identify gaps in pupils' knowledge so that pupils can fully access new learning.

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