Rawcliffe Primary School

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About Rawcliffe Primary School

Name Rawcliffe Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Head Teacher Mr Craig Elder
Address Ridding Lane, Rawcliffe, DN14 8RG
Phone Number 01405839282
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 101
Local Authority East Riding of Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school? '

An absolutely amazing school' is how one pupil enthusiastically described Rawcliffe Primary School.

Pupils enjoy the residential trips. They also enjoy singing, performing in assemblies and holding cake sales for charity.

Physical education (PE) is high profile at the school.

All pupils take part in sports with Rawcliffe Bridge Primary School. Pupils have the chance to learn new activities, such as frisbee, as well as more traditional sports.

Pupils say they feel safe in school.

Behaviour in and out of lessons is good. Pupils say bullying is rare and that if it occurs the school deals effectively with it. Pupils are polite and courteous to ...each other.

They enjoy taking on responsibilities, such as being members of the school council, running the tuck shop or being librarians.

In class, pupils enjoy their lessons because 'teachers go out of their way to make it fun'. Teachers have high expectations of pupils.

Pupils are keen to do their best. Pupils say that the school has improved a lot. They say this is because they now have the chance to learn many different subjects in depth, other than reading, writing and mathematics.

Pupils enjoy reading. Many choose books from the school library to read for pleasure.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Teachers are dedicated and hard-working.

School leaders have made sure that teachers' workload is manageable so they are able to dedicate time to their pupils. Teachers also give their time generously to after-school activities and clubs. This has helped to make pupils' personal development outstanding.

The headteacher has put reading as top priority. Phonics is taught from Reception. The curriculum is well organised.

Any pupils who fall behind are identified quickly and are helped to catch up. On the whole, the books that pupils read match the sounds they are learning, but not always. When the books are too difficult for pupils they do not become fluent readers quickly.

Pupils develop a love for reading, often reading independently in key stage 2. Teachers are well trained in phonics and have been well supported by the local authority to improve their teaching further.

The mathematics curriculum is well designed.

This makes sure that pupils are able to do basic calculations and know their times tables. They are able to explain how calculations work. Pupils are able to solve problems well using their mathematical knowledge and skills.

A strength in the curriculum is how it is flexible to help pupils understand what is currently happening in the world. For example, pupils have learned about the Covid- 19 virus in science and the Australian bushfires in geography. Pupils frequently take part in lively debates on topical issues.

This makes the curriculum interesting and improves pupils' vocabulary.

In PE, the curriculum is strong and gives pupils good knowledge of different sports. It also helps pupils to understand the importance of good nutrition and leading healthy lifestyles.

In some other subjects, such as in music, teachers are gaining in confidence in implementing the curriculum more effectively. Leaders are working hard to ensure that the curriculum is well sequenced and helps pupils to know more and remember more over time.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve well.

Good support is put in place to help pupils keep up with the ambitious pace set for them and the suitably challenging curriculum.

In the early years, children benefit from effective mathematics provision. Routines are well established.

Children are well behaved and learn the importance of good manners. The curriculum is well organised and a lot of fun. For example, children looked at a real fish to understand how it swims.

A visit to The Deep brought this learning to life for children. Children are well prepared for the demands of Year 1. Leaders are now working to improve the outdoor area so it offers exciting and challenging activities for pupils.

Pupils behave well. They concentrate well in class and are keen to do their best. Pupils respond well to teachers' requests.

They behave well outside but occasionally have disagreements on the football pitch. Pupils are polite and well-mannered. Pupils' attendance is above the national average.

The curriculum is exceptional in how it improves pupils' personal development. There are excellent links with local heavy industry. Through visits, pupils gain a first-hand view of engineering and technology.

The dream award gives pupils a chance to research a topic in depth and present their research findings. Frequent residentials develop pupils' character, confidence and resilience.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong culture of safeguarding. All staff, including lunchtime supervisors are aware of what they must do if they have any worries about pupils. Staff are well trained in child protection.

Concerns are followed up straight away by consulting parents or outside agencies, as necessary. Teachers know pupils well. This enables them to give effective support to those pupils who are most vulnerable.

Pupils say bullying is uncommon. They say there is always a caring adult to turn to if necessary. Pupils understand how to stay safe when using the internet.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

The school's curriculum is not yet sufficiently coherently planned and sequenced in some subjects. However, it is clear from the actions that leaders have already taken to plan next year's curriculum and train staff in how to deliver it that they are in the process of bringing this about. .

The books pupils read are not always closely matched to the sounds they are learning in phonics. When this happens, pupils do not become fluent readers as quickly as they might. Leaders should continue to review the books pupils read so that they closely match the sounds they are learning.

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