Poltair School

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About Poltair School

Name Poltair School
Website http://www.poltairschool.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Mark Everett
Address Trevarthian Road, St Austell, PL25 4BZ
Phone Number 01726874520
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 802
Local Authority Cornwall
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Poltair School has high expectations of pupils' behaviour and high aspirations for their futures. The warm and respectful relationships that exist between staff and pupils underpin school life.

Pupils are proud to attend the school. They are polite and enthusiastic and look after their school environment. Pupils are unwavering in their views that differences are celebrated and that any unkind behaviour is dealt with swiftly and supportively.

Pupils here learn from a highly ambitious curriculum and achieve well. They are well prepared for their next steps. The school ensures that all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged and those with special educational needs... and/or disabilities (SEND), are able to succeed academically.

Pupils' character development is valued equally alongside this. Pupils here develop confidence and resilience.

The 'Poltair+' programme provides all pupils with a range of opportunities in sports, performing arts, science and music.

Many pupils take part in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme. Pupils of all ages take on leadership responsibilities. The recent appointment of reading ambassadors has raised the profile of reading within the school.

Older pupils often support younger pupils, including with reading. They help their younger peers to settle into secondary school and support with clubs.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum is broad and carefully designed.

It is academically ambitious, but it does not compromise on creative and practical subjects. In all subjects, the school has identified precisely what pupils should learn and in which order. Staff are experts in their subjects and present information clearly.

The school's published outcomes at key stage 4 are strong in nearly all subjects. Younger pupils also learn effectively in most subjects. This is reflected in the work they do, the knowledge they remember and the confident way in which they talk about their learning.

In a few areas, the work pupils complete does not ensure that they learn effectively. In these areas, activities do not always help pupils to remember important information. Pupils do not always have the opportunity to deepen their thinking and respond to feedback.

As a result, pupils are less confident when discussing their learning and they achieve less well.

Pupils with SEND are accurately identified and supported well, both in mainstream lessons and with additional personalised support when needed. The school works effectively with external agencies to ensure pupils with SEND receive appropriate support.

Well-trained staff help struggling readers to catch up.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. The vast majority of pupils have positive attitudes towards school.

They value the clear behaviour policy which is understood by all. When pupils do not meet the school's high expectations, sanctions are proportionate and supportive. This happens rarely because there is a culture of mutual respect.

The school is meticulous in its recording of any negative incidents. It responds quickly and appropriately. Bullying is not tolerated.

The school ensures that attendance is viewed as everyone's business. The school identifies patterns in and barriers to attendance. It takes effective action so that pupils and families have the support needed to improve their attendance.

Pupils' mental and physical health is supported through exceptionally strong pastoral care. Their achievements are publicly celebrated. Many pupils wear various rewards badges with pride.

They are proud to contribute to their school community. Pupils remember important information about how to keep themselves safe, about healthy relationships and online risks. They enjoy the discussion of challenging issues as part of 'The Great Debate'.

The majority of pupils benefit from the extensive extra-curricular programme. The school ensures any barriers that may prevent pupils from taking part are removed. This includes transport for pupils attending after-school clubs and ensuring that disadvantaged pupils are able to participate fully.

The school has been supported by the trust to ensure that the improvements which were needed have been effective and sustained. Staff at all levels describe feeling part of a strong and collaborative team, with a common purpose. This means there is a relentless drive to provide the best possible life chances for pupils.

This is visible in the curriculum, the focus on pupils' character development and the exemplary conduct of pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The implementation of the curriculum is not consistent in a few subjects.

The work pupils complete does not always enable pupils to achieve the aims of the curriculum. As a result, pupils do not always remember what they have learned, or they are not given opportunities to deepen their thinking. The trust must ensure that teachers are supported to consistently implement the curriculum as intended so that pupils know and remember more in all subjects.

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