Pitton Church of England Primary School

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About Pitton Church of England Primary School

Name Pitton Church of England Primary School
Website http://www.pitton.wilts.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Emma Wilkinson
Address Whiteway, Pitton, Salisbury, SP5 1DT
Phone Number 01722712322
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 62
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pitton Church of England Primary School is at the heart of the local community.

Relationships between staff and pupils are strong. These are rooted in the school's values of 'friendship, family and fulfilment'. Pupils are happy and safe.

They have a trusted adult to speak to if they have any concerns.

Staff have high aspirations for all. Pupils strive to meet these.

They understand why it is important to do their best. Pupils appreciate the rewards they receive for making positive choices about their learning and behaviour.

Pupils attend well.

They are polite and welcoming to visitors. Pupils know the 'golden rules' and hold one ano...ther to high standards of behaviour. The atmosphere within the school is calm and purposeful.

Beyond the classroom, pupils socialise happily. Older pupils understand that they are role models for younger children. They describe the school as a 'family of friends.'

Pupils take part in a range of enrichment activities which are carefully planned to support and build on areas of the curriculum. Pupils become active citizens in their community. For example, they participate in litter picking to improve the local environment.

They use the area in which they live to explore important themes, such as those they learn about in science.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils learn an ambitious curriculum. In most subjects, the school has given careful consideration to the important knowledge that pupils should know.

What pupils learn is carefully planned with important knowledge broken down into smaller chunks, which develop over time. Pupils, therefore, build successfully on what they already know. Staff check what pupils remember over time.

This is then used to inform what is taught next. For example, in mathematics, staff check pupils' understanding of simple fractions before moving on to equivalent fractions.

However, in some wider subjects, the school has not identified exactly what it is that pupils need to know.

This does not help pupils to build their knowledge confidently. At times, pupils do not move onto more complex knowledge when they are ready to do so.

In Reception class, there is a focus on oracy.

As soon as children start school, they are immersed in stories, rhymes and songs. Staff model high-quality conversations. Through these, children develop their vocabulary.

The curriculum is planned in a way that extends pupils' learning through play. Through these opportunities, children learn new skills and develop their knowledge.

Reading is weaved through every subject.

Children learn to read as soon as they start school. Pupils read books that match the sounds they know. Staff check that pupils remember the sounds they are taught.

Staff support children to catch up quickly when they fall behind. Pupils read with increasing stamina as they progress through the school. Pupils read widely and for pleasure.

They make regular visits to the school library and the library van.

The school is highly inclusive. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported to learn a broad curriculum.

The school considers and meets the varying needs of individual pupils with SEND. A small number of pupils with SEND follow a curriculum which is tailored to their needs.

Pupils' broader development is supported through a carefully-planned curriculum.

This begins in Reception Year. Children learn to share and play collaboratively with one another. It continues at an age-appropriate level as pupils get older.

Pupils, of all ages, understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle. They appreciate periods of reflection to think deeply and 'be honest' with themselves. Pupils understand the importance of respecting the opinions of others.

They say that everyone should be treated fairly.

Pupils build their confidence through positions of responsibility, such as playleaders and house captains. They develop their talents and interests through wider activities, like gymnastics and football.

Staff ensure there is an equality of opportunity for all to participate in the enrichment activities on offer.

Trustees and the local governing committee fulfil their roles effectively. They hold the school to account for the actions it takes and ensure that resources are well managed.

Staff appreciate the 'family feel' that exists in the school. They value the training they receive which helps them to strengthen their expertise.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some wider curriculum subjects, the school has not outlined the content of the curriculum precisely or the sequence in which it is taught. As a result, pupils do not build confidently on what they already know or prepare for what comes next. The school should ensure that all subjects are structured in a way that supports pupils to build their knowledge over time.

• In some subjects, when pupils have secured knowledge and are ready to learn more, the curriculum is not ambitious enough. As a result, some pupils do not move onto more complex learning when they are ready to do so. The school should ensure that the curriculum is ambitious in every subject.

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