Peasmarsh Church of England Primary School

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About Peasmarsh Church of England Primary School

Name Peasmarsh Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Head of School Mrs Lison Smart
Address Peasmarsh Church of England Primary School, School Lane, Rye, TN31 6UW
Phone Number 01797230325
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 75
Local Authority East Sussex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a small and friendly village school in the heart of its community. Pupils enjoy getting to know each other and being part of a village community.

Pupils know how to make and keep friendships. They are clear that the school has helped them learn how to do this and can give examples of how this has impacted positively on their well-being and mental health.

When children start school, topics in the curriculum are planned around what interests them and this approach gives the children a firm foundation on which to build as they get older.

Pupils learn a full curriculum and enjoy it. They find learning memorable and develop a huge love of reading. They des...cribe themselves as 'Peasmarsh Proud' of their efforts and rightly so.

Pupils are happy at school and they say they feel safe. Staff and parents agree. There is a very comprehensive online safety programme which pupils are taught, and they are very knowledgeable about this.

This contributes well to keeping them safe in today's world. Behaviour is good and pupils learn without distraction. Although there is some occasional bullying, it is dealt with effectively and swiftly.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is broad, well thought out and sequenced effectively from Reception to Year 6. It sets high expectations of pupils and staff. There is an established model of training and support for staff which enables all teachers to be skilled in delivering high-quality lessons.

Pupils' work demonstrates their good learning from the very beginning of Reception onwards. Reading is a strength of the school. The school has a clear, structured approach to teach early reading.

There is support to help pupils to catch up if they fall behind. Pupils say they love reading and talk enthusiastically about their favourite types of books and authors.

Staff adapt their approaches to ensure they meet the needs of all pupils, including those with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The school has a robust process for identifying the needs of pupils with SEND accurately. The school's ambition is that all pupils achieve well. The school uses checks on children's learning really well in early years and is rightly developing this process across the whole school.

While effective in many areas, teachers do not yet use these checks to adapt subsequent learning fully effectively across all subjects. As a result, pupils could achieve even more in some subjects.

Behaviour is positive across the school.

There are clear routines for all pupils, including the youngest. This helps pupils to know how to behave. The school teaches pupils how to manage their own behaviour well.

The school has worked hard to improve pupils' attendance. This has been successful and attendance has improved greatly. The majority of pupils attend very regularly.

There is a strong curriculum for personal, social and health education. This is for all pupils, including in Reception. The curriculum for relationships and sex education is woven expertly through this.

Pupils are confident talking about their learning and personal development. Pupils of all ages are able to discuss and debate issues effectively.

The school teaches pupils about equalities and protected characteristics well.

Pupils are clear about what these are and about respecting people from different backgrounds. In Reception, for example, children are taught about different cultures looking at books and different types of food. Pupils take an active part in village life, being part of such things as the 'litter-pick' and the local music festival.

Pupils have opportunities to take on leadership roles, such as being one of the school's 'Good Samaritans', or a 'lunchtime buddy'. There are trips and visitors to school, both of which enhance pupils' learning.

While the school works hard to communicate with parents well, which most parents appreciate and value, there are some who feel that this needs to improve.

At times, some parents are not fully clear about key processes in the school, such as how pupils' behaviour is managed and provision for pupils with SEND. Some do not feel that their concerns are dealt with effectively.

The school has developed a culture of high expectations and manages staff workload well.

Staff well-being and morale are high. The school rightly seeks to continually improve. For example, although reading is a strength of the school, there are plans in place to expose pupils to an even wider range of books.

Governors understand their statutory duties and are well placed to fulfil them. They support and challenge the school well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Despite the school's good work to communicate with parents, which many appreciate very much, a small proportion of parents do not find this as effective as it could be. This means that these parents are not fully clear about some aspects of the school's work. The school should make sure that it liaises well with all parents and deals with any concerns effectively.

• Assessment processes are not yet as fully effective in some subjects as they are in others. This means that pupils could achieve even more in some subjects. The school should continue its work in this area to ensure that subsequent teaching meets pupils' needs consistently well across the curriculum.

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