Parklands Infant and Nursery School

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About Parklands Infant and Nursery School

Name Parklands Infant and Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Karen Callaghan
Address Derby Road, Long Eaton, Nottingham, NG10 4BJ
Phone Number 01159732667
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 212
Local Authority Derbyshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils get a good education at Parklands. It is a happy, inclusive school.

Pupils like to come to school and say that adults are kind to them. Pupils say that their lessons are exciting. Staff work well as a team.

They use the same approach so that even the youngest children feel secure.

Children's learning gets off to a great start in the Nursery. Staff waste no time in giving them challenging work.

This continues in all other year groups. Children learn about Victorian schools and visit the Museum of Childhood. They find out why light is important in religion.

Staff's skill in teaching pupils to read is a particular strength. Senior leader...s insist that all pupils must succeed and be ready for their next school.

Pupils feel safe in school.

They told us how everyone gets on well and that there is hardly ever any bullying. If anyone is ever unkind, staff sort it out quickly. Pupils are taught how to stay safe from roads and strangers.

Smartie the penguin shows them what to do when they use the internet. Pupils'' behaviour is impressive. They are polite, respectful and positive.

Everyone strives to be 'a Parklands Person'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders' ambitions for pupils are summed up in the school's motto, 'The best from each..

. success from all'. The headteacher insists that pupils' needs come first and that pupils must achieve well.

Staff respect and model leaders' high expectations. They appreciate the opportunities leaders give them to continually improve their practice and effectiveness. They also say that leaders have taken steps to keep their workload manageable.

Parents and carers we met told us what a positive start their children make in the early years. Parents are welcomed into classrooms and can see the things children are learning. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are given good support here and throughout the school.

Children in the Nursery balance on planks and learn to count. In the Reception Year, they find out about floating and sinking, and write calculations such as 10-1 = 8+1. Staff plan and deliver a good curriculum so that pupils are ready to begin Year 1.

Phonics teaching is particularly effective. Leaders make clear that the teaching of early reading is key to the progress of all pupils. They invest considerable resources and time to do this.

Staff are experts in phonics. We saw them using an identical approach in all classes. When children are asked to 'Fred in your head', they can blend sounds into words with speed and accuracy.

Staff notice immediately any pupil who does not understand and is at risk of falling behind. They help them quickly to catch up.

Leaders have planned a broad and relevant curriculum for pupils.

They have decided the skills and knowledge they want pupils to learn. They plan and teach lessons in sequences which build these things over time. Teachers have revised their plans for some subjects, such as history and design technology.

This is so that pupils can use words such as 'component' and 'structure' to explain what they have remembered. Teachers have been teaching these new plans since the start of this academic year. So far, these are working well.

Leaders cannot be sure that they will remain effective over the longer term, however, and need to continue to check.

Pupils not only achieve well but they behave well. They pay attention and do not disrupt lessons.

Everyone gets on with their work. Pupils complete their workbooks with care. At breaktimes, they play happily together, chatting and enjoying their fruit.

They come into school in a smart line, ready for their next lesson.

Pupils know about 'British values' and how a Parklands Person is respectful to everyone. They learn about a range of religions and visit a mosque.

They can explain about democracy and talk about how they are elected to many positions of responsibilities. They become Pupil Councillors, or join the ECO team to keep the school tidy and reduce waste. The Safeguarding Team wear their blue vests and check classrooms for hazards.

Pupils take part in festivals at a local church and events such as 'Erewash in Bloom'. Engineers and owners of local businesses help them to understand the world of work. Pupils take part in sports festivals and competitions.

They keep active through the school's sporting clubs and the 'Steps to Summit'.

Parents we met spoke highly of the school. It has received the Inclusion Mark award for its work in meeting the needs of all pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that staff understand that their most important responsibility is to do all they can to protect pupils. Staff are well trained in safeguarding.

They know the many signs that could point to potential harm or abuse of a child. They do not hesitate to alert senior leaders of any concern. Leaders keep good records and take well-judged actions in response.

They do not hesitate to get support from external agencies, including social care, if this is needed. The governing body follows safer recruitment procedures when appointing new staff.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

The revised curriculums for many foundation subjects, including the focus on pupils' acquisition of precise vocabulary, have not been fully embedded.

Although they show good initial impact, leaders cannot know yet if this will be sustained. Subject leaders should check over the longer-term that these deliver the impact they intend and make any necessary adjustments. They should ensure that pupils can consistently explain, using subject-specific vocabulary, the knowledge that they have been taught.

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