Paisley Primary School

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About Paisley Primary School

Name Paisley Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Headteacher Jack Danson
Address Paisley Street, Hull, HU3 6NJ
Phone Number 01482355984
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 356
Local Authority Kingston upon Hull, City of
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

There are high aspirations for pupils in the school. Pupils are happy and feel safe.

Adults encourage pupils to do their best.

Pupils' outcomes in national assessments are below average. However, the school is taking effective action to improve and provide a broad, ambitious curriculum for all pupils.

The impact of these changes is most evident in early reading.

There has been much change in the school. Pupils embrace the new 'golden rules'.

They understand the importance of following them. Pupils are polite and helpful. For being kind and playing well, they like to receive the 'golden welly'.

Playtimes are fun. Pupils especially building dens and playing on the rope swing. They know the rules to stay safe online.

Pupils take on responsibilities such as being members of the school council. They like to take part in events such as collecting food to donate to their local charities.

The school provides many opportunities to develop pupils' talents and interests.

There are clubs such as gymnastics and football. Visits to science museums are very popular. Pupils enjoyed a parliamentary visit in London.

They learned about famous monuments in the capital. A trip to the theatre was well received.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

There is a well-designed curriculum in place.

School and trust leaders have provided training to help curriculum leaders to develop their subjects. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) access the same curriculum as their peers. Teachers provide adaptions in lessons, such as specialist equipment and additional support, to help pupils meet their individual targets.

However, some pupils with SEND do not have these needs identified quickly enough. They do not get the specific interventions required to help them to succeed.

Leaders have identified what needs to be taught.

In some subjects, the intended curriculum is not being taught consistently well. Teachers have had some training. However, in some subjects, teachers do not consistently select activity choices and teaching materials that help pupils to learn the curriculum.

Pupils have gaps in their understanding from previous topics. This means that pupils find it hard to learn some new material because their previous learning is insecure.

The school has a consistent approach to the teaching of early reading.

All adults teach the school's phonics programme well. Pupils read books that contain the sounds that they know. Pupils who need to catch up in reading have individual fast-track phonics teaching.

Pupils read a diverse range of books. Teachers support pupils to read books they may not normally choose. Receiving a book prize from the vending machine is very exciting.

In the early years, there is an effective curriculum in place. The school has identified the important vocabulary and small steps of learning that children need. Adults develop children's language carefully.

Books are an integral part of the curriculum. For example, pupils could confidently re-tell the story of the three little pigs, using all the vocabulary they had been taught. Some children build a house of bricks.

They know the wolf does not blow it down. Children concentrate well as they practise and complete tasks. They remember what they have been taught.

Pupils benefit from the school's personal development programme. All members of the school community embrace equality of opportunity. Pupils understand the importance of treating everyone fairly.

They can make comparisons about different religions such as Hinduism and Christianity. They are respectful of others' beliefs.

Pupils take part in a variety of sports at playtimes, such as cricket.

They are given the opportunity to take part in competitions such as table tennis. Pupils learn about mental health. They can talk about the tips they learn to support well-being, such as breathing exercises.

The school has worked with local partners to improve the systems to check pupils' attendance. This work has had a positive impact on most pupils. Leaders continue to work on further improving the attendance of those pupils who do not regularly attend school.

The trustees and governors have been key partners in reshaping the direction of the school. The trust has worked alongside school leaders to drive timely and sustainable improvements. Governors and trustees perform their required statutory duties well.

They hold senior leaders to account effectively. Teachers feel that leaders consider their needs and prioritise their well-being when introducing new initiatives to the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some curriculum subjects, teachers do not always select activities that help pupils to learn the key knowledge. As a result, pupils are not learning the intended curriculum as well as they might. The school needs to continue the programme of staff training to ensure lessons are taught well.

• There is not a rigorous enough system in place to identify and support some pupils with SEND. Pupils with higher learning needs have not been able to access specific interventions that they need to help them improve. The new approach, that was put in place recently, needs to be consistently followed.

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