Ovingham Church of England First School

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About Ovingham Church of England First School

Name Ovingham Church of England First School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Andrew Hudson
Address Ovingham, Prudhoe, NE42 6DE
Phone Number 01661832581
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 5-9
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 129
Local Authority Northumberland
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy coming to school and they feel safe here. The school's values of 'faith, hope and love' are embedded through the school and its curriculum.

Pupils know and understand these values, which are regularly reinforced in collective worship. Leaders and staff expect all pupils to do their best, and most pupils live up to these expectations. Pupils achieve highly.

Most pupils behave well in and around school. They have a clear understanding of the school's behaviour systems. Staff monitor behaviour at playtimes and lunchtimes effectively, intervening to enable positive play when necessary.

Support for pupils with additional needs makes a difference to th...eir behaviour.

Pupils value the chance to take on additional responsibilities, such as being school councillors, playground buddies and carrying out tasks around the school. Pupils understand different types of bullying and know what to do if they have any concerns.

Pupils know how to report their concerns to adults.

The school has close links with the local community. Pupils have many opportunities to learn, both in the school grounds and the local area.

Effort and quality work are celebrated, both in classes and across the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has reviewed the curriculum since the COVID-19 pandemic. They have implemented changes to ensure that pupils know and remember more.

They make sure that pupils study a broad range of subjects. There is no curriculum narrowing.

The school makes reading a priority and pupils are encouraged to read regularly.

Libraries, classrooms and the Reading Den promote a broad range of engaging books that pupils enjoy. Most pupils become fluent readers quickly. Staff ensure that, right from Reception, weaker readers are given the help they need to keep up with their peers.

This includes supporting pupils who are new to learning English. Teachers read a range of fiction and non-fiction texts to pupils regularly. The school's approach to teaching phonics is well organised and successful.

All of this means that most pupils are fluent and confident readers by the time they enter Year 3. Pupils enjoy reading and see it as an important thing to do.

The school has carefully sequenced opportunities for learning.

In art and design, pupils build up skills sequentially, recording ideas and work in sketchbooks to use as an aide-memoire for future learning. In Reception, children explore media and colour, developing techniques that are built on again in the following key stage. In religious education (RE), pupils talk confidently about aspects of different religions.

They use a range of recording opportunities to express their ideas and opinions.

The school is developing its approach to teaching mathematics so that pupils develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts before they move on to new learning. Pupils' learning is sequenced to help them build up their knowledge in a logical order.

Pupils use their knowledge to solve mathematical problems. Teachers check pupils' knowledge and understanding and this helps to plan and provide future learning. This approach is becoming increasingly embedded across the school, and where it is, it is having a positive impact on pupils' learning.

However, not all teachers are yet fully conversant with this approach. Leaders have already identified this and work to bring about greater consistency is under way.

Teachers are clear which pupils need extra support.

Adults and resources are deployed effectively to ensure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities get the help they need. Staff are equally ambitious for what these pupils learn, adapting their teaching when needed. Pupils are also supported by a range of additional support, for example with phonics or mathematics.

In a minority of lessons, some pupils quickly lose focus, such as when their work is too difficult. Intervention by staff does make a difference, but opportunities to do so are sometimes missed.

Pupils can talk about British values and some protected characteristics.

However, some pupils are still developing their understanding of tolerance and respect for others, particularly those with a different gender. As a result, some pupils feel that their peers do not value their opinions. This does not help to prepare pupils well for life in modern Britain.

Governors are highly effective and knowledgeable. They provide a good balance of challenge and support for the headteacher. Staff are proud to work at the school and agree that leaders ensure that their workload is manageable.

Governors and leaders know there is still more work to do to make the curriculum even better. There are clear plans, based on the analysis of evidence, in place to do this. Most parents say positive things about the school and its strong community ethos.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Pupils know the school's Christian values well. However, a minority of pupils do not fully comprehend some of the wider British values.

The school needs to ensure that teaching extends and makes links to respect and tolerance for those with a different gender. This should enable pupils to be better prepared for life in modern Britain. ? Teachers plan their lessons effectively and the curriculum is well organised so that pupils achieve highly.

There are occasions when teachers and support staff miss opportunities to intervene when pupils are either off task or find new learning difficult. Leaders need to monitor how pupils are supported to maintain their focus on learning. This is to ensure that staff know when to intervene or support pupils where focus is lost or there are misunderstandings.

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