Outwood Primary Academy Woodlands

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About Outwood Primary Academy Woodlands

Name Outwood Primary Academy Woodlands
Website https://www.woodlands.outwood.com/
Ofsted Inspections
Miss Donna Burnett
Address The Crescent, Woodlands, Doncaster, DN6 7RG
Phone Number 01302722367
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 405
Local Authority Doncaster
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The recently established leadership team at Outwood Primary Academy Woodlands have implemented an ambitious curriculum for pupils.

In some areas, such as phonics, pupils achieve well. Children in early years are exceptionally well prepared for their learning in Year 1. For example, children explain in detail the life cycle of a butterfly and how seeds grow.

This prepares them well for their future learning in science. Older pupils have not had time to fully benefit from this curriculum. This is reflected in lower outcomes.

However, the quality of education that all pupils are now receiving is preparing them well for their next steps in learning.

Lead...ers have made sure that pupils know what is expected of them. Pupils are rising to these expectations.

Pupils understand that being safe, respectful and responsible, is helping them all to learn. Staff uphold these expectations consistently. A small number of pupils struggle with these expectations and do not behave well.

When this is the case, well trained staff provide the right support to help pupils to get back on track.

The school provides pupils with many opportunities to develop their character and citizenship. Reading ambassadors share their favourite texts with their peers.

Play leaders have been instrumental in improving the activities on offer at play times. Leaders make sure that pupils can explore their talents and interests through the many 'enrichment' clubs on offer. Some take part in the school choir, while others attend sporting clubs.

Pupils are happy in this caring and inclusive school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has established an ambitious curriculum that supports all pupils well. In Reception, children develop their colour mixing skills.

Children explain in detail how to make a range of colours, tints and tones. The school's ambition for children in early years is very high. Children develop a deep knowledge of the areas that they explore.

They find this learning irresistible. Older pupils are beginning to secure their knowledge in a range of subjects. Staff routinely check that pupils understand what they have learned and provide additional explanations when necessary.

In science, pupils are able to explain how matter can change between solids, liquids and gases. They understand the function of the heart and can talk about the different elements that make blood. However, in some subjects, pupils are not able to connect new learning to their prior knowledge.

This makes it more difficult for pupils to remember the knowledge that they have been taught. Pupils have a number of gaps in their understanding.

Children in early years get off to a flying start with phonics.

Staff are experts in teaching them to read. Children's books are closely matched to the sounds that they know. This helps them to master phonics quickly and to become fluent readers.

Children encounter a range of well-chosen texts. They enjoy the stories that adults share with them. Adults are skilled in showing children what good reading looks like.

Older pupils are beginning to develop a love for reading. Just like their younger peers, they appreciate the literature that adults share with them. If pupils struggle to read, they receive high-quality additional support.

This helps pupils to develop their confidence as readers.

In early years, adults help children develop their mathematical skills by giving them lots of opportunities to explore number. Leaders have made sure that the curriculum supports all pupils to become increasingly fluent mathematicians.

Teachers respond consistently to the misconceptions that pupils might have. Pupils across the school are becoming confident mathematicians.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) learn the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.

Leaders have made sure that all teachers successfully adapt learning to meet a wide range of needs. Pupils with SEND are well supported as a result.

The curriculum for personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education helps pupils to understand how to stay safe online.

Pupils know when personal information should not be shared. The school's curriculum is beginning to help pupils to learn about the diverse world that they live in. However, pupils' understanding and appreciation of difference is not well developed.

Sometimes, pupils do not have the knowledge that they need to respond respectfully to the differences that they will encounter in life. The school provides pupils with many opportunities to develop their citizenship. For example, the Outwood diploma provides a range of experiences for all pupils.

This includes a first-aid qualification that pupils work to achieve.

Those responsible for governance are extremely knowledgeable about the school. They check that leaders' actions impact positively on pupils.

The trust provides highly effective support and professional development for staff. This is making a positive difference to the quality of education that pupils receive. The workload and well-being of all staff is a priority.

Staff are proud to work at this school. They are inspired by the considerable difference that their work makes to the lives of all pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, pupils are not supported well enough to connect new learning to their prior knowledge. In these subjects, pupils' knowledge is less secure. The school should make sure that staff have the support that they need to help pupils to connect this important knowledge to what pupils already know.

• Pupils' understanding and appreciation of difference is not well developed. Sometimes, pupils do not have the knowledge that they need to respond respectfully to the differences that they will encounter in life. The school should make sure that pupils are well prepared to understand and respond respectfully to the differences that they encounter.

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