North Denes Primary School and Nursery

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About North Denes Primary School and Nursery

Name North Denes Primary School and Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Debra Whiting
Address North Denes Primary School and Nursery, Jellicoe Road, Great Yarmouth, NR30 4HF
Phone Number 01493842063
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 414
Local Authority Norfolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

North Denes Primary is a warm and welcoming place.

Pupils treat each other well. They have positive relationships with staff. Pupils trust staff to notice if they are upset or worried.

They know that staff will help them if they have any worries or concerns.

Pupils know and understand the school's motto of 'CARE'. Pupils learn about different faiths and accept that others may have different opinions to their own.

Pupils understand that families are represented in different ways and that this does not make any family less important. Pupils demonstrate tolerance and respect.

Pupils respond positively to the clear routines and expectations for ...their behaviour.

Pupils expect each other to behave well. When learning, pupils consistently show high levels of concentration. They work hard to stay 'green' and appreciate the opportunity to gain 'gold' for examples of exceptional effort.

Pupils are confident that if bullying or falling out were to occur, staff would sort this out quickly. As a result, pupils feel safe in school.

Older pupils enjoy the opportunities to take on roles of responsibility such as becoming 'digital leaders' or being awarded a 'gold tie' for their positive behaviour and contribution to school life.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed the curriculum in all subjects that sets out what pupils should learn. Content builds on what pupils already know. During lessons, pupils revisit important knowledge before they move on to new learning.

Teachers regularly check that pupils understand the concepts being taught and address any misconceptions. Curriculum leaders have secure knowledge about their areas of responsibility. Leaders check the quality of teaching in their curriculum area and use this information to refine their plans so that pupils learn well.

Leaders have trained staff to deliver an effective phonics programme that supports early reading. Pupils have lots of opportunities to practise the sounds that they have learned using books that are well matched to their reading ability. Pupils who find reading hard get the additional support they need.

As a result, pupils develop a secure understanding of how to decode and blend words. This provides the foundation for them to become confident, fluent readers.

A love of reading is shared throughout the school.

Pupils talk about their enjoyment of reading and their favourite authors. They describe how they use this knowledge to improve their own writing by using ideas and vocabulary from different texts. Pupils who undertake the role of 'reading ambassadors' confidently recommend books that they think others will enjoy.

Children in the early years develop positive relationships with staff and with each other. Staff focus on developing children's vocabulary, language and mathematical understanding. Children in the Nursery class are well cared for, happy and enjoy taking part in a variety of activities.

However, leaders know there is more work to do to ensure that curriculum planning in all subjects begins in the Nursery to ensure children are developing the secure foundations that they need for future learning.Leaders and staff provide effective support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Staff know each pupil's needs and work with their families to help address the different challenges that pupils face.

Leaders receive specialist advice from external agencies to ensure pupils' needs are accurately identified and that pupils get the help that they need.

Leaders have developed a clear, whole-school approach to managing pupils' behaviour that staff and pupils follow consistently. Teaching and learning are seldom interrupted.

Leaders routinely check attendance records and work closely with families so that they understand the importance of sending their children to school. However, some pupils do not attend school as regularly as they should. Not all pupils have developed positive habits for attendance.

Leaders provide many opportunities to support pupils' personal development. Trips and visitors to school help pupils make connections between their learning and the wider world. These experiences also develop pupils' confidence such as going on a residential trip.

Pupils who are 'well-being ambassadors' offer extra support if other pupils are anxious, hurt or upset.

Governors are supportive of leaders and the school community. Although governors discuss curriculum developments, they are too accepting of information provided by leaders.

Governors do not seek further assurances or ask sufficiently probing questions about the curriculum. As a result, governors do not know enough about the quality of education that the school provides for pupils, and whether this enables all pupils to achieve well.

Staff are proud to work at the school.

They feel leaders listen to them and are approachable. Staff support each other and work together well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are well trained and know the risks that pupils may face in their lives. Staff look for signs of potential harm and act swiftly when concerns arise. They understand and use established systems for reporting concerns.

Leaders maintain safeguarding records carefully. Leaders ensure that pupils receive the right help, including that provided by external organisations.

The curriculum is carefully designed to help pupils know how to keep themselves safe.

This includes road and online safety. Pupils confidently share the strategies they use to keep themselves safe when using social media.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In the Nursery provision, the curriculum is not yet sufficiently well planned and sequenced in some learning areas.

However, it is clear from leaders' actions that they are in the process of bringing this about. Leaders need to continue to develop and implement a broad and well-ordered Nursery curriculum that supports children to have a rich and detailed understanding across all areas of learning. This will ensure that children are ready for the Reception class and beyond.

• A small number of pupils continue to be routinely absent. This results in these pupils having gaps in their learning and knowledge. Leaders should continue to work with pupils and their families to ensure that all pupils attend school as often as they can and achieve well.

• Governors do not have sufficient oversight of the school's curriculum. They rely too much on what leaders tell them. Governors should ensure there are clear and robust systems in place that check how well the curriculum helps pupils to learn successfully so that they can hold leaders to account more rigorously for the quality of education being provided.

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