Mountbatten Primary School

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About Mountbatten Primary School

Name Mountbatten Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Head of School Mr Jamie Wegg
Address Wivern Road, Hull, HU9 4HR
Phone Number 01482375224
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 314
Local Authority Kingston upon Hull, City of
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders are ambitious. They have systematically improved the school, which has led to improvements in the quality of education that pupils receive. Leaders work well with members of the multi-academy trust to support staff.

Staff welcome the high-quality training they receive. They feel proud to work in the school.

There are respectful relationships between adults and pupils.

Pupils enjoy attending school. They would recommend the school to their friends. The school is calm and orderly.

Pupils walk around school sensibly and are courteous to one another. Pupils listen carefully to what adults say. They join in class discussions enthusiastically.
Pupils support each other well when they are completing their work. Staff encourage pupils to be independent from an early age.

Pupils say they feel safe in school.

They understand that people can have different views or backgrounds. They feel this is important. One pupil said, 'It would be boring if we were all the same'.

Pupils learn how to keep safe when using the internet. They know who to talk to if they feel unsafe. Pupils say that behaviour is good.

A small minority of pupils present challenging behaviours. Staff deal with this well.

There are a wide range of school clubs.

These are well attended by all groups of pupils. The school enjoyed recent success when the computing club won a local area competition using their coding skills.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Children settle into school quickly.

The early years environment is inviting and well organised. Leaders have reviewed the early years curriculum to ensure that pupils' knowledge to builds on what they have already learned. There is a clear focus on the teaching of early mathematics and reading.

Children start to learn to read as soon as they enter the school. Staff are well trained in teaching children to read. They make regular checks on what children know.

Adults help pupils who fall behind. Reading books match the sounds that children know.

Pupils enjoy learning about a wide range of subjects.

Leaders have thought carefully about the curriculum plans they have introduced. They have considered what is essential for pupils to know in each subject. Leaders have considered what pupils might need to know to broaden their understanding of the world around them.

Curriculum plans are well sequenced. Books show that teachers follow curriculum plans carefully. This allows pupils to build on what they know and can do each year.

However, pupils' handwriting is often untidy. Many pupils do not form letters accurately. This means that their work can be difficult to read.

Senior leaders, alongside the multi-academy trust, have provided subject leaders with training. Subject leaders are knowledgeable about their subjects. They provide good support for staff.

There are clear systems in place to check how well subjects have been taught. Subject leaders use these checks to identify what needs to improve in their subject. Teachers appreciate the support they receive from subject leaders to help them improve their teaching.

Teachers check what pupils have learned and remembered each term. They discuss this with leaders to identify which pupils need extra help. Some teachers check carefully to find out which pupils are stuck and which pupils need further challenge during lessons.

However, this is not the case in all classes. In some classes, adults do not check which pupils need their help thoroughly enough. This means that if pupils do not know what to do, they are unable to complete the tasks they have been given.

This slows their learning.

Leaders and teachers make regular checks to see how well pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are doing. Staff work closely with professionals from external agencies to provide support for pupils with SEND.

Staff receive regular training. There are effective systems in place to identify pupils who may need additional support. Support plans help teachers to meet the needs of these pupils.

Pupils access a range of visits and activities beyond their own experiences. The 'Mountbatten 50' challenges pupils to complete a range of interesting activities before they leave the school. The residential visit to Robinwood encourages pupils to experience new challenges and work collaboratively with their friends.

There is a strong team culture within the school. Teachers who are new to the school welcome the support they receive. Leaders consider teachers' workload.

This helps teachers to focus on planning interesting lessons.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders carry out thorough checks to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children.

New staff receive relevant safeguarding information. There is annual safeguarding training and regular updates.

Adults know how to identify signs that would indicate pupils may be at risk.

There are clear systems for reporting these concerns. Staff keep detailed safeguarding records. Leaders use the information they have to spot patterns in behaviour.

They are swift to act if they have any concerns. Staff share information efficiently and effectively.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Teachers do not spend enough time teaching children to form letters.

As a result, pupils are not forming letters well enough. The quality of handwriting across the school needs to improve. Leaders and teachers need to ensure that the school's handwriting policy is followed and that teachers help pupils to produce neater, more legible work.

• Some staff do not check carefully whether pupils know what to do or how to complete tasks. Sometimes, pupils are not able to complete the work that is set for them. Teachers should ensure they check that pupils understand what to do and provide effective support when pupils are stuck.

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