Milefield Primary School

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About Milefield Primary School

Name Milefield Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Karen Trickett
Address Milefield Lane, Grimethorpe, Barnsley, S72 7BH
Phone Number 01226710329
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 307
Local Authority Barnsley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Milefield is a school that serves its community with pride.

Children are at the heart of this school. Leaders inspire and empower their 'little people to dream big'. All adults provide high-quality learning opportunities, as well as developing pupils' appreciation and understanding of life beyond the school gates.

Pupils are safe. All adults at Milefield help them to do their best and care for them well. Pupils behave well around school and bullying is rare.

Adults sort out pupils' problems sensitively.

Pupils have a strong voice at this school. They readily take on leadership roles, such as members of the pupil parliament, curriculum ambassadors and... play leaders.

These opportunities enhance pupils' personal skills and enable them to make a significant contribution to the life of the school and beyond.Since the previous inspection, leaders have driven rapid improvement. They have designed a rich and ambitious curriculum.

The quality of education and care that pupils receive, together with their outcomes at the end of key stage 2, are significantly improved.

Pupils and their parents and carers are justifiably proud of their school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is a strength of the school.

It clearly sets out the important knowledge that pupils need to learn. A high proportion of pupils are well prepared for secondary school when they reach the end of Year 6. Leaders and staff have developed effective approaches to implement the curriculum and to support pupils' learning.

Some elements of the school's plans, such as the systematic checking of pupils' understanding, are at times not applied consistently. As a result, some pupils cannot remember and recall what they have been taught.

Leaders support disadvantaged pupils effectively to achieve well through high-quality teaching.

These pupils, including those who are entitled to receive the government's additional pupil premium funding, achieve well and are well prepared for the next steps in their educational journey.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are fully included in all aspects of school life. Leaders identify their additional needs quickly and put effective support in place.

Staff training ensures that effective adaptations are made in lessons. Pupils with SEND achieve well alongside their peers.

Early reading is taught consistently well by fully trained staff.

Pupils' phonics knowledge builds securely. Teachers check pupils' understanding regularly. They ensure that pupils get any additional practice they need.

Pupils read books that match their understanding of phonics. Older pupils who are not fluent readers attend catch-up sessions. Pupils enjoy reading, talking about their favourite books and spending time in the well-stocked library.

Story time is a highlight of the day. Pupils achieve well in reading by the end of key stage 2.

Leaders consider children's starting points on entry to the early years carefully.

The school has designed a curriculum that focuses on developing children's language and communication. Children enjoy the varied learning opportunities the school provides as they become increasingly independent and curious learners.

Improving pupils' attendance is a priority for the school.

Staff use many strategies well and seek external support where necessary. As a result, the attendance of most pupils is improving. A minority of pupils are absent too often.

These pupils do not make the progress of which they are capable.

The provision for pupils' personal development is exemplary. It prepares pupils exceptionally well for life in modern Britain.

Pupils are knowledgeable about different faiths, cultures and beliefs and show a deep respect for each other's individual differences. Pupils learn about the different types of families and relationships in Britain today. Pupils have a strong understanding of online safety, as well as safety in the wider world, such as fire safety.

Assemblies offer pupils time to reflect on the importance of their values and how to keep themselves and others happy, healthy and safe. Pupils embrace these messages and understand the impact of their conduct on others. Pupils access a regularly reviewed menu of clubs, including football, singing, mindfulness and art.

Pupils also contribute to their wider community responsibly. For example, they met the local MP to discuss community concerns and fundraising to support those more disadvantaged than themselves.

Leaders at all levels are fully committed to supporting the Milefield community.

They are determined to provide pupils with the very best start in life, raise their aspirations and improve their life chances. The trust's board and local committee know the school extremely well. They act in the best interests of the pupils.

The professional development of all staff is prioritised. Staff feel very well supported and are proud to work at Milefield.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The systematic checking of pupils' understanding is not consistent across all lessons. At times, gaps in learning and pupils' misconceptions are not swiftly addressed. The school should ensure that all staff routinely check for understanding and that any gaps and misconceptions are quickly and effectively adressed.

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