Mandeville Primary School

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About Mandeville Primary School

Name Mandeville Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Kara Hales
Address West Road, Sawbridgeworth, CM21 0BL
Phone Number 01279723737
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 226
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Mandeville Primary School are confident, respectful and resilient. They are happy in a warm and supportive environment. Pupils enthusiastically celebrate their school with visitors.

Pupils typically respond well to the high expectations that staff have of them. Pupils are enthusiastic readers. They talk passionately about the books they read.

Pupils learn about bullying through lessons and a whole-school anti-bullying week. They know and recognise bullying as unkind behaviour that repeats over time. When it happens, pupils know they can talk to staff, who support them.

Pupils have confidence is staff. This helps to keep them safe.

Pupils ge...nerally behave well.

They are usually polite and respectful. However, sometimes, a small number of pupils talk over each other, disrupting others.

Pupils play an active role in the school and wider community.

For example, pupils take part in an annual enterprise week. Working together as a class, pupils create a business idea and discuss this with local businesses. Using this research, pupils produce and sell their product or arrange and host their event.

Afterwards, pupils decide how they will spend the money to benefit all pupils in their class.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders prioritise reading. They recently adopted a new phonics programme.

Leaders ensured that staff received training to teach the programme well. The programme starts with children in Nursery learning to recognise sounds. This includes identifying syllables and rhyme.

In the Reception Year, children learn sequentially the sounds that letters make. When they reach Year 2, most pupils are fluent readers and confident spellers. This means that pupils can access more challenging books in key stage 2.

Over time, pupils become proficient and fluent readers. To expand their wider knowledge, pupils read from a range of fiction and non-fiction books.

For most subjects, leaders have specified what pupils need to learn from the early years to Year 6.

Much of what children learn in the early years works well. Staff understand how to weave children's interests into the activities they prepare. They encourage children to build up their stamina for learning by sticking with an activity.

Teachers generally understand how to build on this when pupils move into key stage 1. Pupils usually achieve well and remember much of what they are taught.

However, for a small number of subjects, leaders do not know well what is taught in the early years.

This makes it more difficult for teachers in key stage 1 to link what they teach to what pupils learned before Year 1. As a result, it is more difficult for pupils to remember the content of these subjects over time.

Where assessment works best, staff use their checks to identify and support pupils if they start to fall behind.

However, some teachers pose broad questions, which pupils struggle to answer. Sometimes, teachers use responses from one or two pupils and assume all pupils have the same understanding. This results in some pupils finding it hard to complete their schoolwork and discuss what they have learned.

Staff have high expectations of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders involve pupils, parents and appropriate specialists to identify how to help pupils. They set out clear information to support teachers in meeting the needs of pupils with SEND.

Leaders, including governors, check the adjustments made for pupils with SEND effectively. As a result, pupils with SEND learn well alongside other pupils.

Leaders oversee a systematic approach to attendance concerns, which has resulted in swift improvements, ensuring pupils attend school regularly.

Staff largely adhere to the approach implemented by leaders for supporting pupils' behaviour. As such, pupils are generally polite and eager to learn. On occasion, when staff are unclear in their explanations of what pupils should do, pupils disengage and chat when they should be listening to the teacher.

Aspects of the personal development programme are impressive, particularly the extensive range of extra-curricular clubs on offer, such as musical theatre, street dance, art and multi-sports. These clubs are well attended, particularly by disadvantaged pupils, and nurture the interests and talents of pupils. Some of the clubs result in inter-school competitions.

There are opportunities, too, for pupils to contribute to school life. For instance, eco-councillors cultivate a school garden, providing sustenance for local wildlife.

Governors have a clear understanding and share the ambition and intent with leaders to deliver a high-quality curriculum.

Governors support leaders in overseeing a motivated staff. Their support helps to maintain the constant strive for improvement. Governors provide effective challenge to leaders to ensure their actions are on target and have the intended impact.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders oversee robust and effective training and reporting systems. Staff rapidly identify and report concerns about pupils.

Leaders act on these appropriately, engaging with external agencies when required. Governors check the work of leaders and staff in this area carefully. There are suitable vetting checks for adults working or volunteering in the school.

Through the curriculum and wider school events, pupils learn how to stay safe. Younger pupils use a classroom display to let staff know how they are feeling or if they need to talk to an adult. Older pupils use the term 'trusted adult' to identify adults they can turn to for help.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, leaders have not considered fully what children learn in early years. In these subjects, teachers are not as well supported in understanding how learning in the early years fits into the sequence of learning. Leaders should ensure they set out the specific words, concepts and skills pupils should learn from Nursery to Year 6 before sharing these clearly with teachers to help them teach all subjects confidently and well.

• Teachers do not always present knowledge to pupils and check their understanding as precisely as is needed. This means that some pupils do not have a secure grasp of their learning and how to complete tasks. Leaders should ensure that teachers know how to present and scaffold information for pupils and accurately check their understanding to help all pupils progress.

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