Llandogo C.P. School

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About Llandogo C.P. School

Name Llandogo C.P. School
Address Llandogo, Homlfield Drive, Monmouth, NP25 4AT
Phone Number 01594 530388
Phase Infants & Juniors
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 64 (43.8% boys 56.3% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 12.3
Local Authority Monmouthshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Llandogo Primary School is part of a federation with nearby Kymin View Primary School.

The senior leadership team consists of a headteacher, deputy headteacher and assistant headteacher, who provide leadership across the federation. The staff at both schools work together to provide learning experiences that benefit the pupils of each school. Staff at Llandogo Primary School create a welcoming community where pupils enjoy learning.

Nearly all pupils are respectful, enthusiastic, and highly engaged in their work. They benefit greatly from the school's rich and varied curriculum experiences and the trust staff afford them to make decisions about their learning, to make suggestions for school improvement and to work independe...ntly in a variety of situations. The school forms valuable partnerships with parents and members of the local community.

Parents feel included and informed and appreciate the open communication with all staff. Local charities and businesses work in partnership with the school to provide experiences that enrich the curriculum and support pupils' well-being. Pupils are beginning to develop a sense of their own identity and an awareness of how their lives compare with those of others across the world.

Their knowledge and understanding of the local area and of the diverse history and culture of Wales are less well-developed. During their time in school, nearly all pupils make at least good progress in most areas of their learning. They develop a secure understanding of what and how they learn and relate the skills and knowledge they gain to their own lives and to future aspirations.

Older pupils reflect on their learning, suggesting ways that they and others could improve their work. They are beginning to identify their own next steps in learning, responding effectively to teachers' feedback to make improvements. Throughout the school, staff consider pupils' individual needs carefully and provide effective support.

They develop positive, supportive working relationships with pupils. As a result, pupils respond well to challenge and develop resilience. They feel safe and listened to and know how to seek advice when needed.

The school's outdoor learning experiences enable pupils to develop an extensive knowledge of sustainability and a growing awareness of the impact of human behaviour on the environment. They relish opportunities to be innovative, find solutions and use their imagination when solving problems. Senior leaders encourage staff to take a lead on aspects of school improvement.

Staff work collaboratively to bring about change in aspects of the school's work such as improving writing and digital skills. However, leaders do not always identify important aspects of the school's work in need of improvement to ensure consistency across the federation. Recommendations R1 Ensure that monitoring, evaluation and improvement work focuses sharply on the aspects most in need of improvement What happens next The school will draw up an action plan to address the recommendations from the inspection.

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