Linthorpe Community Primary School

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About Linthorpe Community Primary School

Name Linthorpe Community Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Mrs Grace Mitchell
Address Roman Road, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough, TS5 6EA
Phone Number 01642885222
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 723
Local Authority Middlesbrough
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Linthorpe Community Primary School is an inspirational and thriving school.

Pupils feel safe here. They have high ambitions for themselves. Staff are aspirational for pupils' achievement.

They nurture pupils from the moment they arrive at the school. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), have excellent attitudes to learning. They succeed in all areas of the well-designed curriculum.

Pupils behave exceptionally well. The school's 'magical habits' encapsulate the school's values. Staff teach pupils to develop life skills such as ambition, independence and leadership.

These skills are demonstrated in the pupils do. Pupils conduct themselves in an exemplary manner. They respect and value their time together.

Behaviour in lessons is strong without exception. This is because staff are experts in modelling the desired behaviours.

Pupils love coming to school.

They attend exceptionally well. Pupils describe Linthorpe Primary School as a 'once in a lifetime' opportunity. Pupils express their opinions through school council meetings, suggest whole school events and make weekly book recommendations to their peers.

The school provides all pupils, including children in the early years, with a remarkable range of clubs and enrichment activities. These include mindful meditation club, poetry club and gardening club. Staff create wonderful opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests.

The school constantly refines the many opportunities available. This ensures experiences are well matched to pupils' personal development needs.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school places a high priority on the development of pupils' language and communication needs.

Vocabulary development is at the heart of the highly ambitious and precisely defined curriculum. Pupils explain their thinking clearly and demonstrate a depth of subject knowledge. The school enhances the curriculum with trips to museums, residentials, experiences and visits to art galleries.

These help pupils to make connections with their learning, for example when discussing different artists such as Da Vinci, Matisse or Picasso.

Pupils develop their understanding of subjects over time. There is no limit to what they can learn in any subject.

Pupils start with a 'big idea'. They revisit previous knowledge and follow a learning 'roadmap'. Pupils immerse themselves in opportunities to explore, for example in geography, they carry out fieldwork in the local area using skills such as measuring and observing.

They work like geographers. Pupils enjoy doing quizzes about what they have learned. Teachers work with them in small groups or individually if they need more help.

No pupil is left behind. As a result, all pupils are ready for the next stage of learning.

Staff successfully meet the needs of pupils with SEND and those who have English as an additional language.

They demonstrate excellent subject knowledge and enable pupils to achieve well.

The school promotes the importance of reading across the school. Staff ensure that all pupils, including those with SEND and disadvantaged pupils, learn how to read quickly.

Pupils who are at the earliest stages of learning to read receive effective support to learn phonics. They become confident, fluent readers. Pupils enjoy reading an extensive range of styles and authors.

Staff provide 'mirrors and windows' books that help pupils to understand issues in the wider world. Leaders ensure that there is always someone or something in a book that pupils can identify with. Pupils love to read.

They talk confidently and enthusiastically about the books they have read. They can discuss their favourite authors and say why they feel reading is so important. Pupils in every class enjoy a weekly book club.

The school's pupil librarians take pride in looking after the library and help organise whole school reading events.

Children in the early years enjoy an excellent start to their education. The curriculum meets their needs very well.

Children are highly motivated and eager to learn. They share and cooperate well. Children demonstrate high levels of self-control and respect for others.

High expectations and strong routines help children to develop resilience. They consistently keep on trying hard, particularly if they encounter difficulties.

The promotion of pupils' personal development is a strength of the school.

It is a golden thread through the school's curriculum and enrichment programme. Pupils learn about healthy relationships, positive mental health and the wider world. Pupils' physical development is a high priority.

Staff work hard to overcome barriers for pupils, particularly those who do not have safe outdoor play spaces at home. For example, the school has purchased bikes for pupils. They teach pupils to learn how to cycle safely.

The school provides a range of opportunities for pupils to develop their character. For example, pupils receive training to support other pupils' mental health and well-being. They support them at breaktimes and lunchtimes in a calm space where they can talk.

The school council, in partnership with teachers, has created '50 fantastic things to do at Linthorpe'. These include planned visits and experiences for each year group such as playing a musical instrument or becoming a farmer for the day.

Leaders value their staff.

They prioritise staff training and well-being. Staff are proud to work at the school. Trustees and governors have a wealth of expertise.

They know the school incredibly well and provide excellent challenge and support. Leaders at all levels are united in the vision that 'everyone is equal, everyone is different, everyone is welcome, and everyone achieves their best'.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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