Knights Enham Nursery and Infant School

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About Knights Enham Nursery and Infant School

Name Knights Enham Nursery and Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Acting Headteacher Mr Daniel Whitehouse
Address King Arthurs Way, Andover, SP10 4BS
Phone Number 01264352151
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 195
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy at this school and have positive relationships with staff. Teachers role model respectful attitudes that they want pupils to show. Pupils respond by being kind to others.

They talk of being accepting, regardless of any differences between them. Pupils feel safe at the school. They do not consider bullying to be an issue.

Pupils experience a broad curriculum. However, pupils do not learn as well as they should because teaching is not strong across all subjects. This includes in reading, where too many pupils do not learn to read quickly enough.

Many pupils behave well in school and enjoy learning. However, leaders have not ensured that all sta...ff insist on the same high standards for all pupils' behaviour. Classroom routines are not consistently established.

Consequently, learning can be disrupted. A small number of pupils do not follow their teacher's instructions right away. This means they miss out on learning as they spend time outside the classroom.

They are not always supported to catch up effectively and therefore do not learn as much as they should.

While pupils are offered some personal development opportunities, these are not widely available. This means that pupils do not consistently benefit from extra-curricular experiences to help them develop their understanding of the world around them.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have created an inclusive environment at this school. All pupils are welcomed and cherished by staff. Staff provide support and guidance for their pupils and parents.

However, leaders are not taking decisive and timely action to address where the school needs to improve. Current difficulties with staffing and recruitment are contributing to this. Governors are aware of some of the challenges the school is facing.

They are taking steps to improve the way in which they hold leaders to account.

Leaders have designed a considered curriculum. In some subjects, such as English and mathematics, careful thought is given to what pupils learn and when they learn it.

However, in some other subjects, the precise knowledge that pupils should learn is not clearly defined. This is the case from early years up to Year 2. This means that teachers do not always know exactly what pupils should learn at each stage.

This lack of clarity also means that subject leaders do not yet have a clear oversight of how well the curriculum is taught across all age groups and, therefore, where curriculum improvements are needed.

Leaders have not ensured that all staff have the knowledge they need to teach the curriculum effectively. Planned activities are not always purposeful as teachers are not always clear on the exact knowledge that pupils should learn during each task.

Teachers also do not consistently check on what pupils can recall. Sometimes, they move on before pupils have secured strong understanding. Teachers also have not had the training they need to adapt learning to help pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) learn effectively.

Leaders do ensure the needs of these pupils are identified. However, this information is not always used to plan lesson activities for pupils' individual needs. This means they do not achieve as well as they should.

Leaders have introduced a well-planned reading programme. However, some staff do not have the expertise needed to teach this consistently well. Teachers do not always ensure that all pupils actively practise reading during phonics lessons.

They do not regularly check the sounds that pupils can remember. Some pupils with SEND are also not well supported during phonics lessons. They are not consistently getting the help they need to learn to read fluently.

In early years, the outside environment is an excellent resource. Teachers use it well to promote physical development and problem-solving skills. However, the curriculum does not ensure that children build knowledge in readiness for key stage 1.

There are examples of learning that pupils do during 'discovery time' that is not always focused.

Many pupils behave well during lessons. They are respectful of the adults who work with them.

However, leaders have not ensured that high behaviour expectations are set for all pupils. Some staff spend a disproportionate amount of time managing a small number of pupils' behaviour. Disruption caused reduces pupils' focus on learning.

Inconsistencies in teaching and expectations for pupils' behaviour mean that not all pupils learn as well as they could.

The school's personal development programme builds on the values of 'respect' and 'responsibility'. Leaders create opportunities to promote these positive character traits.

The 'child of the day' encourages pupils to complement each other. Pupils develop a clear understanding of what is right and wrong. They are taught to develop tolerance for others.

However, there is not currently a coherently planned personal, social and health education programme in place. This means that pupils do not benefit from learning some key knowledge that helps them to begin to explore life in modern Britain.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have established a strong culture of vigilance. Staff receive comprehensive safeguarding training. This means they know how to recognise signs of harm or of neglect.

Pupils have a good understanding of how to keep themselves protected. They learn from an early age about potential dangers from online games.

Leaders keep detailed records when concerns are raised.

They make timely referrals to secure support from external agencies. They are persistent in raising concerns when pupils and their families are not receiving the support that they believe is needed.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, leaders have not yet precisely identified and sequenced the detailed knowledge that they want pupils to learn in the curriculum.

This means that teachers do not always know exactly what knowledge needs to be taught and in what order. Leaders need to ensure that, across all subjects, the steps of knowledge that pupils should learn are coherently planned and sequenced from the beginning of early years. ? Across subjects and the areas of learning in early years, curriculum implementation needs improving.

Teachers do not consistently set ambitious activities that carefully match the planned curriculum. Therefore, pupils are not securely knowing more and remembering more. Leaders need to develop staff's expertise to effectively deliver the school's curriculum.

• Leaders have not successfully established high expectations and clear routines for all pupils. This has led to inconsistencies in staff's behaviour management approaches. Consequently, the behaviour of some pupils disrupts the learning of others.

Leaders need to ensure all staff have the highest of expectations for all pupils' behaviour and that leaders ensure there are clearly defined consequences to reinforce school rules. ? Within the school's personal development programme some aspects are not coherently sequenced. Furthermore, pupils are not currently benefiting from a broad range of experiences.

Leaders need to complete their revisions to the personal development curriculum and restart the full breadth of their planned offer. ? Subject leaders do not have a clear oversight of how well pupils are learning the curriculum. Leaders need to provide training and create capacity for subject leaders to ensure the curriculum is implemented effectively and pupils attain highly.

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