Kirk Langley CofE Primary School

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About Kirk Langley CofE Primary School

Name Kirk Langley CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Jayne Stevenson
Address Moor Lane, Kirk Langley, Ashbourne, DE6 4LQ
Phone Number 01332824264
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 95
Local Authority Derbyshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The headteacher provides very effective leadership. He plays a key role in moving the school forwards by accurately identifying what works well and where improvements can be made. Everyone is valued for their individual talents and characteristics in this happy and caring school.

Staff, pupils and parents get on very well together. Pupils make good progress and achieve well in reading, writing and mathematics. Pupils across the school have good attitudes to learning.

Their behaviour in and around school is consistently good and sometimes outstanding. Pupils have a good understanding of how to keep themselves and their friends safe. They b...ecome confident and mature young learners who have a strong understanding of their responsibilities within the school and local community.

The quality of teaching is good. Teachers and support staff have very good working relationships with the pupils and encourage them to try hard with their work. All pupils, including disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs, are looked after well.

Very effective support enables them to grow in confidence and do well. Children in the early years make good progress in all areas of their learning. This is because teaching enables them to settle happily and develop a range of basic skills well.

Governors have a good grasp of their role and responsibilities. They challenge and support the headteacher to ensure the school continues to move forwards. Parents are very pleased with the quality of education and care provided.

Several choose to bring their children to this school because of the high-quality support they receive. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Pupils do not always make all the progress they are capable of. Not as many pupils reach the higher levels in writing and mathematics as they do in other areas of learning.

Pupils' work is not always well presented. Some work lacks dates or titles, which makes it hard for teachers to check their progress. Marking does not clearly identify what pupils need to do to improve their work.

Information about this school

This is a much-smaller-than-average-sized primary school. There are three mixed-age classes in school. Children attend the Reception group on a full-time basis and work alongside pupils in Year 1.

The large majority of pupils are of White British heritage and speak English as their first language. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils who are supported by additional funding (the pupil premium) is well below the national average. This includes pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals.

There are currently no pupils looked after by the local authority. The proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs is above the national average. The headteacher took up post in January 2013 and has a part-time teaching commitment.

Two of the three classes are taught by part-time staff. There have been several changes to staffing in the last year, including this term. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress in reading, writing and mathematics by the end of Year 6.

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