Kippax Ash Tree Primary School

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About Kippax Ash Tree Primary School

Name Kippax Ash Tree Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Amanda Campbell
Address Gibson Lane, Kippax, Leeds, LS25 7JL
Phone Number 01133850680
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 371
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils in this school 'stride with pride'. They are proud to learn at this positive and welcoming school. Leaders have created a calm and purposeful environment for pupils to learn.

Relationships between staff and pupils are caring and respectful. Pupils say they feel safe. They trust adults to help them if they have any concerns.

Adults teach pupils to understand and respect the similarities and differences between them. Relationships between pupils are kind and considerate. They understand that some pupils need extra help with their learning and behaviour.

Staff help pupils to follow clear routines when moving through the school building. In shared areas, s...uch as corridors, staff have high expectations of how pupils should behave. Leaders have worked hard to improve the attendance of pupils.

Despite this, too many pupils do not attend school as frequently as they should.

Since the last inspection, leaders have made improvements to the curriculum. This is ambitious and well thought out.

The school identifies and supports pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) quickly. These pupils benefit from the same ambitious curriculum as their peers. They receive the right support at the right time.

The improvements to the curriculum are impacting positively on pupils' progress. The outcomes from statutory assessments in 2023 are not reflective of the quality of education that pupils receive.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum for all pupils is both ambitious and rigorous.

Leaders have made sure that, as pupils move through the school, it is clear what they will learn and why. In most lessons, pupils, including those with SEND, receive the support they need to be successful. In most subjects, staff check pupils' learning both in the lessons and after a series of lessons.

This helps to identify pupils who may need additional help with some parts of the curriculum. In some subjects, assessment of pupils' learning is not used effectively to check the impact of the curriculum.

Leaders have made recent changes to some subjects.

Pupils speak about how much they enjoy their learning in these subjects. For example, pupils with SEND told inspectors they were enjoying their learning in modern foreign languages because they were being successful in these subjects.

Leaders understand that being able to read has a positive impact on pupils' life chances.

They ensure that teachers identify pupils who need help with reading quickly. These pupils receive the support they need to catch up. Staff deliver the phonics curriculum with consistency across school, beginning early in Reception.

Leaders give personalised support and training to reading teachers to help them deliver the curriculum effectively. Pupils enjoy reading, and having read to them, a wide range of stories from different authors.

Children in the early years get a strong start to their education.

Adults teach them how to follow routines and show positive learning behaviours. For example, children in Nursery and Reception learn how to show 'star sitting'. Leaders have ensured that children's learning in the early years prepares them well for their learning in Year 1 and beyond.

For example, leaders have changed how children are taught to write so that they can write with more expression and creativity in the Year 1 curriculum. Staff skilfully identify the parts of the curriculum that children need more help with.

Pupils' personal development is reflective of leaders' ambitions to give 'voices, choices and opportunities'.

Pupils' experiences extend beyond the classroom. They access a variety of clubs and activities. Pupils are taught to understand what it means to be inclusive and understanding of others.

All pupils benefit from the pastoral support offered by staff. Pupils who need more support to manage their emotions and behaviour receive the help they need to be ready to learn. Many pupils are given opportunities to have leadership roles.

Pupils value these opportunities and undertake them enthusiastically.

Leaders at all levels share the same ambitions for pupils. Decisions are made with children and pupils at the centre.

The governing body has recently undergone significant changes to its structure. These changes are in the early stages. Trustees are ensuring that governors develop their systems and approaches to offer robust challenge to school leaders.

Subject leaders in school benefit from the support offered by the trust. Most staff feel connected to the school's recent improvement journey and welcome the support that leaders provide.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The assessment of the impact of more recently developed aspects of the curriculum is not as precise as it could be. This means that the school sometimes does not have the information it needs to see how well curriculum changes are impacting on pupils' learning. The school should ensure that its evaluation of all areas of the curriculum provides it with the information it needs to continue to improve outcomes for pupils.

• Some pupils do not attend school regularly enough. This means that they miss valuable opportunities to build on their learning through the ambitious and skilfully taught curriculum. The school should continue to work with families to embed and refine systems to increase attendance.

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