Keevil CofE Primary School

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About Keevil CofE Primary School

Name Keevil CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Lindsey Hermon
Address Main Street, Keevil, Trowbridge, BA14 6LU
Phone Number 01380870376
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 86
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils relish the many opportunities to learn about the world at Keevil. Pupils told inspectors about how much they enjoyed learning different subjects such as music, science and physical education (PE). Pupils are attentive in lessons as they want to do well.

Throughout the curriculum, pupils develop positive attitudes towards reading, writing and mathematics. Children in Reception are enthusiastic early readers.

Pupils feel very valued by staff.

They told inspectors how much they like their school and how well staff care for their needs. Leaders and staff have created a nurturing school where pupils feel important and cherished. One pupil's view echoed the ...views of many others: 'If everyone knew about our school, all the other schools would be empty.'

Leaders and staff support pupils with special educational needs/and or disabilities (SEND) well. They ensure that such pupils receive academic, social and emotional support that meets their individual needs. Consequently, pupils achieve well.

Pupils behave well throughout the school. They learn about the importance of values such as kindness. Year 2 pupils were observed reflecting on being thankful for what they have.

Pupils have donated food and gifts to the Trowbridge Food Bank to help others less fortunate.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff ensure that pupils receive a good quality of education. Pupils learn to read well and enjoy reading.

Leaders have ensured that the teaching of phonics is well structured and effective. Consequently, pupils in Year 1 and children in Reception learn to read well and delight in stories. Pupils develop a strong understanding of how writers convey ideas, characters and themes in texts.

Consequently, pupils achieve very well in reading by the end of key stage 2.

Although pupils develop effective writing skills, they do not consistently draw on their knowledge of more advanced techniques and approaches. Leaders and staff do not consistently make explicit links between the high-quality books that pupils read and the development of their writing skills.

Consequently, pupils' writing knowledge and skills are not as well developed as their reading knowledge.

Leaders have revised the mathematics curriculum to ensure that pupils develop strong and secure understanding. Pupils relish problem solving.

They articulate the ways in which they solve mathematical problems well. In Reception, children learn early mathematical skills through a range of activities, such as counting out money in the make-believe shop.

Leaders and staff have an informed understanding of how pupils learn and what they should learn.

They have high aspirations for pupils' academic and social success. Pupils in all year groups study French, ensuring that they build progressively on their understanding and knowledge. Leaders and staff have ensured that pupils study a rich music curriculum.

Pupils learn to play musical instruments, such as the junior saxophone, and compose their own music. Leaders have revised the teaching of science to ensure that pupils develop progressively more complex knowledge. Leaders acknowledge, however, that pupils do not currently study a well-structured history curriculum.

Pupils with SEND are included in every aspect of school life. Leaders and staff prioritise their well-being, enabling them to learn well. Pupils are highly inclusive of pupils with SEND.

They are tolerant, empathetic and friendly.

Leaders and governors ensure that the funding for disadvantaged pupils has impact. Pupils receive social and emotional support to enable them to access learning successfully.

Leaders and staff have ensured that the early years setting enthuses children. Through a breadth of well-structured activities, children develop their communication skills well. They collaborate with each other in the creation of imaginative worlds, such as helicopters saving people from fires.

Children listen to stories, develop their precision with tools such as scissors, cutters and pencils and practise their early writing skills. Children develop strong attitudes to learning, ensuring that they are well prepared for Year 1.

Pupils gain strong leadership skills through the curriculum.

Year 6 pupils support younger pupils in worship and at breaktimes as prefects. Pupils also learn about democracy, free speech and liberty through elections as house captains and members of the school council.

Governors know the school well.

They share the vision of school leaders. Through frequent visits to the school, they are able to pose effective challenge. Staff are unanimous in their praise of the school.

They feel exceptionally well supported and really value their roles. Staff and pupils described the school to inspectors as 'a family'.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders are tenacious in ensuring that pupils are kept emotionally, socially and physically safe. They work closely with external agencies to ensure that pupils receive quick and appropriate support. Leaders and staff know pupils very well.

Every pupil who spoke to inspectors said that staff cared deeply for their well-being. Pupils also said that they could talk to a member of staff if they had a problem.

The school's checks on adults who work at the school are effective.

Staff receive regular up-to-date training in safeguarding.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Pupils read very well. They are able to consider the language used by writers with insight and understanding.

However, leaders do not ensure that pupils consistently draw on their knowledge of the books they read to improve the language they use in their writing. Leaders need to ensure that pupils use the knowledge they gain from reading to inform and further improve their writing skills. .

Leaders have designed an effective curriculum for most subjects. However, leaders have not yet designed a coherent, sequential curriculum for history. Leaders need to ensure that pupils' study of history enables them to learn more and remember more.

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