Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

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About Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

Name Holy Trinity CofE Primary School
Website http://www.holytrinityceschool.org
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Stefan Roos
Address Eagans Close, London, N2 8GA
Phone Number 02088831824
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 232
Local Authority Barnet
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school.

Pupils of all abilities achieve outstandingly well. They make rapid progress to reach standards that are well above average and rising by the end of Year 6 in reading, writing and mathematics. These high levels of academic achievement, together with their enthusiasm for learning, ensure that pupils are exceptionally well prepared for their secondary education.

The quality of teaching is outstanding. Teachers have the highest aspirations for, and expectations of, their pupils. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

They are polite and respectful of one another and adults. They behave extremely well around the school and are very... keen to learn in the classroom. The arrangements to keep pupils safe and secure are very thorough.

As a result, pupils say that they feel exceptionally safe in school and have great confidence in the adults around them. The school has a proud record of sporting excellence. The additional sports funding is being used very effectively to provide even more opportunities for pupils to participate and excel.

The school enjoys a very productive relationship with parents and carers who hold it in very high regard. The headteacher has provided inspirational leadership over many years which ensures that the school is committed to academic excellence and providing pupils with a rich curriculum and the highest levels of care and support. The deputy headteacher and other leaders provide very strong support and play a key role in school improvement.

Governors are knowledgeable and highly committed to producing the best possible outcomes for pupils. They leave no stone unturned in ensuring that leaders continue to improve the school. The relentless drive of leaders and governors has secured continuous improvement in the quality of teaching and pupils' achievement since the previous inspection.

The school's strong values of care and respect shine through all aspects of its daily life. All aspects of pupils' social, moral, spiritual and cultural development are promoted to high levels. The early years provides children with a good start to their education.

After a dip in 2014, their achievement is improving strongly, although children are not yet making raipd progress.

Information about this school

This is an average-sized primary school. In the early years, provision is part time in the morning and afternoon Nursery sessions and full time in the Reception class.

Elsewhere there is one class in each year group except in Year 1, where there are two. Just over half of the pupils are of White British heritage. The rest come from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds.

About one in five pupils speak English as an additional language, which is slightly above average. The proportion of pupils with special educational needs is above average and has risen in recent years. The proportion of pupils eligible pupil premium funding is broadly average.

In this school, this additional government funding is provided to support pupils eligible for free school meals. The school meets the current government floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress in reading, writing and mathematics by the end of Year 6. The school runs breakfast and after-school clubs for pupils on the premises.

The headteacher provides support to a number of primary schools in Barnet. The school recently underwent an inspection of religious education. The findings of this inspection were reported separately.

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