Hillingdon Primary School

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About Hillingdon Primary School

Name Hillingdon Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Sabrina Kelly Samina Saidiya
Address Uxbridge Road, Hillingdon, Uxbridge, UB10 0PH
Phone Number 01895590087
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 695
Local Authority Hillingdon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils flourish at Hillingdon Primary School. They benefit from highly positive experiences and achieve exceptionally well. This is because the school has the highest expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils are very well prepared for the next stage of their education. Children in the early years enjoy a welcoming and stimulating learning environment.

Pupils enjoy numerous opportunities to celebrate who they are and to be successful.

They have trusting relationships with each other and with staff. Pupils say they feel safe. Bullying is never tolerated, and if it happens, pupils are confiden...t that staff will deal with it quickly and fairly.

Behaviour is exemplary. Pupils respond well to clear and consistently applied routines. They particularly enjoy the many rewards they receive for their hard work and achievements.

Pupils learn to identify emotions and adopt a positive mindset. This results in them seeing challenges or setbacks as an important part of learning. Staff encourage pupils to take on responsibilities, for example as sports leaders or digital ambassadors.

Pupils appreciate the huge range of extra activities they can choose to attend. These include many music and sports clubs.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has a broad and ambitious curriculum.

It is well sequenced, enabling pupils to build up their knowledge as they move through the school. For example, in mathematics, older pupils enjoy grappling with more complex problem-solving activities. In art, the quality of pupils' work in their sketchbooks is exceptional.

In science, leaders have included practical activities in their curriculum. This results in pupils being highly engaged with their learning and enthusiastic to experiment and learn more. Teachers ensure that activities are adapted to meet individual pupils' needs.

The curriculum in early years is well structured, with a strong focus on building relationships. However, sometimes children need more support to regulate their emotions in the early years.

Reading is at the heart of the school's curriculum.

Phonics lessons begin in Reception, and over time, pupils learn to read fluently and confidently. Staff are very well trained in the teaching of reading. They ensure that the phonics programme is delivered consistently.

Pupils who need help to catch up get swift and carefully planned support from knowledgeable staff. This results in pupils, including those with SEND or who are new to English, becoming confident and enthusiastic readers. This love of reading continues throughout the school.

The school exposes pupils to a diverse range of high-quality texts and authors.

Teachers use their expertise and subject knowledge to deliver the ambitious curriculum very effectively. They present information carefully.

Pupils appreciate how teachers break down learning. For example, in physical education, pupils are able to explain how they get better at using a tennis racquet. Staff check that pupils have learned and remembered what they have been taught.

For example, in history, pupils can make connections between the different periods and civilisations they study, such as ancient Rome and Egypt and the Stone Age. Staff ensure that any misconceptions are corrected quickly and effectively.

The school identifies the needs of pupils with SEND with precision.

Leaders are ambitious for these pupils and ensure that they follow the same curriculum as their peers, with adaptations to teaching if needed. As a result, these pupils achieve exceptionally well.

The school has established a well-planned and age-appropriate programme to support pupils' personal development.

Teachers explain sensitive topics, such as healthy relationships, with care. Staff encourage pupils to debate a wide range of topics and consider other points of view. Pupils are taught how to keep safe, including online.

Leaders ensure that all pupils can take part in clubs and visit places that enrich their understanding of the curriculum, for example a trip to see a war bunker in history and local parks in geography. Leaders recognise such opportunities as important for building character.

Leaders have effective systems for ensuring that pupils attend school regularly and on time.

They work with families and other agencies to ensure that pupils' welfare is carefully monitored. This means that action can be taken if there are any patterns of concern.

Staff are exceptionally positive about working at Hillingdon Primary School.

They are proud to work in a school that cares for them as individuals. They appreciate the many professional development opportunities on offer. The trust fulfils its statutory responsibilities well.

Trustees hold leaders to account for the quality of education at the school and also consider staff welfare. Parents and carers are very positive about their child's experiences at school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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