Hertford Vale Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School, Staxton

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About Hertford Vale Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School, Staxton

Name Hertford Vale Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School, Staxton
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Andrew Barber
Address Ings Lane, Staxton, Scarborough, YO12 4SS
Phone Number 01944710273
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 127
Local Authority North Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school values of 'respect, kindness, love, peace and resilience' underpin everything that happens at Hertford Vale. Pupils and staff embody these Christian values.

Pupils at this school are very happy, positive and welcoming members of the school's 'family'. A strong Christian ethos is evident throughout the school. Pupils have a very strong sense of equality.

One pupil told an inspector, 'Our school is very inclusive.'

The school has carefully considered how to further refine the curriculum following the COVID-19 pandemic. Subject leaders are passionate about their subjects.

The school has high expectations of what pupils should achieve across ...a broad and balanced curriculum. The school prepares pupils to make positive contributions to the community through a strong personal development curriculum. For example, the whole school celebrated 'Pride Day'.

Through established links with the church, pupils benefit from strong spiritual and moral guidance.

Pupils at this school feel safe and know how to keep themselves safe. Pupils show high levels of respect and tolerance for others.

This means that behaviour across school is very positive.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has reviewed and developed its ambitious curriculum over the past year. Staff deliver this curriculum effectively with strong support from subject leaders.

Pupils show high levels of enthusiasm and resilience in lessons. They make links between their current learning and what they have learned in the past. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and disadvantaged pupils access the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.

Staff adapt the curriculum to ensure that this is the case. Where support is necessary, this is put in place and is effective. However, while the school has refined its approach to assessment, this does not always identify precise gaps in pupils' knowledge in some subjects.

Staff teach phonics well. From children's first days in Reception, there is a sharp focus on them learning to read. However, some pupils do not apply their phonic knowledge well enough in their reading and writing, particularly in spelling.

As pupils move through the school, they become fluent readers who are able to access the wider curriculum. Where pupils in key stages 1 and 2 need extra help with reading, adults deliver timely and focused interventions. The school fosters and promotes a love of reading.

Quality texts form the cornerstone of promoting reading for pleasure. The school has an inviting, well-stocked library.

Early years provision forms the foundation for children's learning across the curriculum across the school.

There is a comprehensive and ambitious curriculum for the youngest children. Reception has a purposeful learning environment with a clear focus on the development of language. Staff have high-quality interactions with children.

They extend children's learning through careful questioning and prompting.There are very positive relationships between staff and pupils in the school. Behaviour in and around school is calm and orderly.

Pupils display excellent manners and are polite, kind and caring. Parents, staff and children all agree that the school ensures all pupils are well behaved. Pupils readily identify trusted adults who they could speak to if any problems arose.

Attitudes to learning are positive. Pupils respond well to instruction, and lessons proceed without disruption.

The school has a carefully considered personal development curriculum.

Pupils learn about the important concepts of tolerance and appreciation of diversity. Daily worship reinforces the school's Christian ethos and immerses pupils in its core values. This includes strong spiritual, moral, social and cultural guidance.

Pupils speak with enthusiasm about the clubs and other opportunities they have access to through school. These include choir, eco-club, a sign-language club and a range of sports clubs. Pupil voice forms a crucial element of the school's approach to personal development.

There are numerous opportunities for pupils to develop leadership skills, including the worship council and sports leaders. The pupil-led business club, for example, organised fundraising for new play equipment. This included pupils giving a presentation to the parish council.

A committed governing body supports the school well. Governors have a clear understanding of the school's strengths and the areas for further development. Teachers are positive about the support that they get from the school.

They feel that their well-being and workload are very high priorities for the school. Close links with the diocese also benefit the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Assessment in some subjects does not precisely identify gaps in pupils' knowledge. This means that some gaps may go unidentified and unaddressed. The school should continue to develop and sharpen teachers' use of assessment to check pupils' understanding accurately and systematically, informing more precise and focused curriculum content.

• Some pupils do not apply their phonic knowledge sufficiently well in both reading and writing, particularly in spelling. This means that these pupils may not make progress through the curriculum as quickly as they could. The school should ensure that recent improvements in the phonics scheme translate into pupils' application of their phonic knowledge in reading and writing across the curriculum.

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