E-Act Heartlands Academy

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About E-Act Heartlands Academy

Name E-Act Heartlands Academy
Website https://heartlandsacademy.e-act.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Interim Principal Mrs Sophia Haughton
Address Great Francis Street, Nechells, Birmingham, B7 4QR
Phone Number 01214643931
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 799
Local Authority Birmingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school. Students receive an outstanding education at Heartlands Academy. This includes their personal and social development as well as their academic achievement.

The Principal, leadership team and governors have ensured that the academy serves its community, provides the highest quality education and opportunities for all its students. They have secured a harmonious environment in which students learn and thrive. All groups of students, regardless of their background or culture, make outstanding progress.

The progress students make in English and mathematics is much better than the progress of students in most schools. The academy's pr...ovision for the teaching of literacy is outstanding and students, from low starting points, make rapid improvements in their reading and writing, so that their literacy skills do not hold back their learning in other subjects. Teaching is consistently good and very frequently outstanding.

Teachers have excellent subject knowledge and plan dynamic lessons which motivate students to learn. However, there are occasions when the most able students do not have opportunities to make rapid progress. Equality of opportunity has a high priority at the academy.

Real efforts are made to ensure that no student experiences any barrier to their learning. The progress of each student towards their target is monitored regularly, and action is quickly taken if anyone falls behind. There is an exceptionally positive learning atmosphere throughout the academy.

Students display excellent attitudes to learning. They behave impeccably, show high levels of respect and courtesy towards each other and to their teachers and other staff. Students feel safe at the academy.

They know all staff will do their best for them and ensure that they are safe at all times. Parents are wholeheartedly positive about the academy. This is endorsed by staff who feel that academy leaders hold their interests uppermost.

The sixth form is good and improving. Last year 85% of students went on to study at university with the remaining students finding employment or apprenticeships. It is not yet outstanding because the achievement of some students is less than expected.

Leaders have a relentless focus on maintaining and building on established high standards. The impact of governance is outstanding.

Information about this school

Heartlands Academy opened in September 2009 and is sponsored by E-ACT.

Most students come from the immediate locality. The academy is smaller than the average secondary school. The proportion of students supported at school action is below that in other schools.

The proportion of students supported at school action plus, or with a statement of special educational needs is above average. A higher proportion of pupils than average come from minority ethnic groups. The majority of students are of Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Black African and White British heritages.

The number of students who speak English as an additional language is considerably higher than the national average. The proportion of students known to be eligible for support through the pupil premium is much higher than average. The pupil premium is additional funding for those students who are known to be eligible for free school meals, children from service families and those children who are looked after by the local authority.

The academy currently does not make use of alternative provision to deliver other academic or vocational courses. The academy uses St George's Academy, Birmingham to provide alternative provision for students who have behaviour, emotional or social difficulties. The academy has a sixth form and does not collaborate with other education providers.

Academy leaders and teachers provide support to colleagues in local primary and secondary schools. This work involves, for example, helping teachers to develop strategies to improve the quality of teaching and assisting leaders in accurately evaluating their schools and planning and implementing specific and appropriate improvement plans. The academy meets the government's current floor standards, which sets the minimum expectation for students' attainment and progress.

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