Hafod - y - Wern Community Primary School

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About Hafod - y - Wern Community Primary School

Name Hafod - y - Wern Community Primary School
Address Deva Way, Caia Park, Wrexham, LL13 9HD
Phone Number 01978 367080
Phase Nursery, Infants & Juniors
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 288 (47.9% boys 52.1% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 18
Local Authority Wrexham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

At Hafod-Y-Wern Community Primary School, leaders, staff, and governors create an environment where pupils feel safe, make good progress in their learning and access a wide range of engaging activities. Most pupils are courteous and welcoming. They show respect for each other and for staff and engage well in learning.

The school's support for pupils with additional learning needs (ALN), including those in the Resourced Provision, is a strength, enabling nearly all pupils with ALN to make good progress in learning and well-being. In an area of high socio-economic disadvantage, the school ensures that cost is never a barrier to learning. Leaders and teachers provide a rich and varied curriculum, including opportunities for all to tak...e part in a range of sporting and musical activities as well as purposeful and enjoyable visits and outdoor education experiences.

The school's teaching and curriculum meet pupils' needs well. Teachers plan a broad range of stimulating lessons, often following pupils' interests. Across the school, pupils are beginning to develop their confidence as independent learners.

The youngest pupils develop their curiosity as they explore learning freely indoors and outdoors. Older pupils are beginning to work together in pairs and small groups to solve problems. They respond well to feedback during lessons to improve their work but are less sure about how to improve and maintain the quality of their work over time.

Teachers plan valuable experiences that enable pupils to develop aspirations for their future careers, for example through links with the local university. Pupils develop their literacy skills well and make suitable progress in Welsh. Most pupils develop sound mathematical knowledge and understanding.

However, teachers do not plan carefully enough for pupils to apply their numeracy skills or to develop their digital skills in authentic contexts at an appropriate level. Leaders and teachers know the school's strengths and areas for development well. They use monitoring and self-evaluation processes purposefully to identify priorities for school improvement.

They ensure that professional development for all staff is suitably linked to school improvement and monitor the impact carefully. Leaders have high expectations for staff and pupils. They focus successfully on improving the quality of teaching and learning across the school.

Recommendations R1 Improve the quality and consistency of feedback to ensure pupils understand how to improve their work. R2 Develop opportunities for pupils to apply a wider range of numeracy and digital skills at an appropriate level in their learning across the curriculum. What happens next The school will draw up an action plan to address the recommendations from the inspection.

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