Gilbertstone Primary School

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About Gilbertstone Primary School

Name Gilbertstone Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Karen O'Reilly
Address Clay Lane, Birmingham, B26 1EH
Phone Number 01214644664
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 431
Local Authority Birmingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school. Pupils achieve well.

Their progress is improving rapidly because leaders, managers and governors have ensured teaching is good across the school and sometimes outstanding. Staff share leaders' determination to improve the school and fully understand their own role in bringing this about. All subjects are taught well.

The topics pupils are given stimulate their curiosity and make them want to learn more. Leaders manage teachers' performance very well. Their judgements of teaching quality are accurate and tied directly to how much teachers and other adults are helping improve achievement.

Outstanding leadership and high quality te...aching in the Early Years Foundation Stage ensure children make rapid gains in learning and personal development, especially in the Nursery. Provision for disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs is also outstanding. Pupils who find learning difficult, for whatever reason, are supported exceptionally well and make good and sometimes outstanding progress.

The school is using pupil premium funding effectively to help the pupils who qualify for it to make at least good progress. Pupils behave well in and out of lessons. They feel safe and have a good understanding of how to keep themselves safe in different situations.

It is not yet an outstanding school because : There is not enough outstanding teaching to help pupils make really rapid progress. Teachers' marking does not consistently show pupils how to improve, and pupils do not always do corrections to show that they understand where they have gone wrong. Pupils do not know their targets well enough or how to use them in different subjects to help them make faster progress.

Pupils make less progress in mathematics than in reading and writing. Mathematical skills are not promoted enough in different subjects.

Information about this school

The school is larger than the average-sized primary school.

The proportions of pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds, and of those who speak English as an additional language, are above average. The proportion of pupils for whom the school receives additional funding, known as the pupil premium, is broadly average. This funding in this school is for children in local authority care and pupils known to be eligible for free school meals.

The proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs who are supported through school action is below average, as is the proportion supported at school action plus or who have a statement of special educational needs. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress. The school has its own breakfast and after-school clubs, known as the 'Hub'.

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