Fawbert and Barnard Infants’ School

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About Fawbert and Barnard Infants’ School

Name Fawbert and Barnard Infants’ School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Lee Wells
Address Knight Street, Sawbridgeworth, CM21 9AT
Phone Number 01279722357
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 217
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Simple, three-word mantras support pupils to thrive and be successful at this delightful school. From Nursery through to Year 2, pupils show they are 'ready, respectful and safe' at the start of every activity.

They live out the school's core values of 'respect, ambition and perseverance' in their highly positive attitudes to school life.

Pupils are safe and happy. They behave exceptionally well.

Adults' expectations of them are high and pupils do their very best to always meet these. Pupils often help each other with polite reminders of what they should be doing, whether they are lining up outside or sitting in the classroom.

The school is highly in...clusive.

Pupils are encouraged to aim high, regardless of their starting point or any additional needs they may have. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are extremely well supported. There is no ceiling on pupils' learning.

A range of rich experiences beyond the classroom enhance pupils' learning, develop their character and expand their horizons. For example, Year 2 pupils visit people with dementia at a local support group. Members of the school council go on a joint trip to the Houses of Parliament with the school council from the nearby junior school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum is highly ambitious. Leaders regularly review it, and refinements are constantly made to strengthen it even further. The curriculum sets out precisely what pupils will learn in each subject and year group.

It enables pupils to build their learning over time, so that they can reach the endpoints the school has identified. In early years, the meticulously constructed curriculum equips children with the essential knowledge and skills they will need in key stage 1 and beyond. Throughout the school, pupils learn exceptionally well.

Teachers are extremely adept at bringing learning to life. They make connections with pupils' lives and with the local area so that learning is meaningful. Teachers continually check that pupils are learning well.

They quickly address misconceptions or adjust their teaching to deal with any gaps they spot.

From the early years, there is a sharp focus on the key vocabulary that is needed for each subject. This is taught with consistency and precision across the curriculum.

Pupils expertly use subject-specific vocabulary comfortably when talking about their learning. In religious education (RE), for example, Year 1 pupils describe symbols associated with Easter and what they mean. Year 2 pupils talk about the sacrifices people make during Lent and why.

Reading is a high priority. Daily story sessions build pupils' familiarity with high quality texts. 'Secret readers' come into school to surprise and delight pupils.

They love the suspense of not knowing who will read to them next. Well-trained adults expertly deliver phonics lessons. The adults ensure that any pupils who need extra help with phonics get this quickly so they can keep up.

The systems for identifying pupils with SEND are robust. These pupils learn the same ambitious curriculum as their peers. They sometimes learn with adapted resources or adult support.

Teachers are highly skilled at adjusting lessons or activities so that pupils with SEND can achieve well. Where additional expertise is needed, the school calls upon specialists, such as its own in-house speech therapist and counsellor, for example.

A strong culture of respect and kindness permeates the school.

Relationships are warm and caring. Pupils' curiosity and love of learning are fostered from the moment they join the school. Pupils listen attentively and participate actively in lessons.

This starts in early years, where children flourish thanks to the well-established routines.

Pupils are very well prepared for their future lives, in an age-appropriate way. They value difference.

For example, pupils celebrate the many cultures and languages represented in their school community. Pupils are resilient. They are not afraid to make mistakes and see these as opportunities to learn.

From nursery onwards, pupils learn to manage their feelings and to care about the feelings of others. Many enjoy special jobs, such as play leaders on the playground. These pupils actively support the well-being of others at social times.

The school is supported and challenged in equal measure by a highly committed and knowledgeable governing body. Governors, leaders and staff have a shared determination to provide high-quality education for the pupils. Leaders ensure that many and varied training opportunities support staff to be the best that they can be.

Staff feel valued and appreciate the way leaders consider their workload and well-being. Everyone, including parents, is proud to be part of this very special school community.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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