Daresbury Primary School

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About Daresbury Primary School

Name Daresbury Primary School
Website http://www.daresburyschool.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Kathryn Zuger
Address Chester Road, Daresbury, Warrington, WA4 4AJ
Phone Number 01925740309
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 197
Local Authority Halton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Daresbury Primary is a happy and welcoming school. Pupils feel cared for and safe.

They said that staff know them well. Pupils described, with enthusiasm, the many things that they like about their school, especially the friends that they make. Year 6 pupils are proud to be buddies to children in the early years.

Leaders address any instances of bullying swiftly.

Pupils' behaviour in class reflects leaders' high expectations and the school's values. Staff support pupils to build their confidence and independence.

Pupils are polite, respectful and caring towards each other and adults. They strive to be 'kind, safe and ready' as staff expect.

...Leaders are ambitious for all pupils to achieve well, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

In the main, pupils achieve well.

Pupils make great strides in their personal development during their time at the school. They enjoy the trips and visits that capture their interest and support their learning.

Pupils are proud to take on leadership opportunities such as being digital leaders, science ambassadors, members of the school council or becoming the school president, vice president or secretary. They are proud of their recent fundraising work for Turkey and Syria.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The current leadership team have made significant improvements to the curriculum.

They have worked closely with leaders from across the multi-academy trust to design an ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including children in early years. However, some of this work is still quite new which means it is early days in terms of these curriculums being taught.

In some subjects, subject leaders play an increasingly active role in providing teachers with support and guidance.

This helps to ensure that teachers are knowledgeable about the subjects that they teach. Consequently, teachers deliver the intended curriculum well. They help pupils to revisit and to recap important learning.

Teachers use a range of appropriate strategies to ensure that pupils make secure connections between new and previously learned concepts and ideas. This helps pupils to build a deep body of knowledge over time. As a result, most pupils, including those with SEND, achieve well in these subjects.

Some subject leaders are not sufficiently skilled or confident in ensuring that their intended subject curriculums are delivered effectively. In these subjects, teachers are less confident in designing learning that helps pupils to learn the more ambitious subject content effectively. As a result, pupils are not able to apply what they know as confidently and independently as they do in other subjects.

Leaders have prioritised reading across the school. They have recently introduced a new phonics programme. This ensures that there is a sharp focus on early reading.

Leaders' actions have begun to have a positive impact on pupils' phonic knowledge, including children in the early years. However, these changes are very recent. Staff are still building their expertise in the delivery of this curriculum.

Leaders have invested in new books to match the sounds that pupils are learning. Staff assess pupils' reading skills accurately. Trained staff provide additional support for those pupils who are not keeping up with the phonics programme.

Across school, pupils are well motivated to read. They read often at home and in school.

Leaders ensure that all pupils are supported, including those with SEND.

They know pupils well and identify pupils' additional needs swiftly. Staff support pupils with SEND effectively. As a result, pupils with SEND access the full curriculum.

Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school. They enjoy learning and are keen to do their best. Classrooms are calm, purposeful places where pupils learn without disruption.

Leaders have thought carefully about how to support pupils' personal development. They provide pupils with a range of opportunities to develop as young citizens. For example, pupils learn to take care of their emotional and physical well-being.

They show great care and consideration towards others. Pupils understand fundamental British values and diversity. They are well prepared for life in modern Britain.

Trustees and governors monitor the development of important aspects of leaders' work. They have supported leaders to address historic weaknesses in the curriculum. Governors have an increased understanding of the curriculum and their oversight of it has improved.

They are able to provide appropriate challenge and support.

Leaders are mindful of staff's workload and well-being. They have considered this when making recent significant changes to the curriculum.

The vast majority of staff feel well supported by leaders. They recognise and appreciate the improvements that have been made and the impact that these are having on pupils' achievement.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that staff receive regular safeguarding training so that they can recognise the signs which could indicate that pupils are at risk or suffering from harm. Leaders act on any concerns promptly. When necessary, leaders work with external agencies so that pupils get the help that they need.

They make sure that all adults in school have had the appropriate checks before they start working at the school.

Through the curriculum, pupils learn how to keep themselves safe. For example, they learn about ways to keep safe when they are online and when using a bike.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The new phonics curriculum is at an early stage of implementation. Staff are still in the process of building their confidence and expertise in delivering the new approach. Leaders should further support staff to deliver the new phonics curriculum confidently and consistently well.

• Training and support for leaders of some subjects are at an early stage. As a result, some subject leaders lack the necessary skills and confidence to drive further improvements in their subjects. Senior leaders, governors and trustees should provide these curriculum leaders with further training and support so they are equipped to lead their curriculum areas effectively.

• In some subjects, staff are at an early stage of implementing the school's recently refined curriculums. This means that pupils are at an early stage of developing the knowledge that they need in these subjects. Leaders should ensure that staff are supported to teach all aspects of these subject curriculums consistently well so that pupils are able to apply what they know in these subjects as confidently and independently as they do in other curriculum subjects.

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