Compass Point Primary School

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About Compass Point Primary School

Name Compass Point Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Linda Brown
Address South Street, Bedminster, Bristol, BS3 3AU
Phone Number 01173772340
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 195
Local Authority Bristol, City of
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Staff value every pupil and want them to feel that they belong.

Staff have high expectations for each pupil. They work hard to build a community that helps pupils to flourish and do their best. Parents are very positive about the school.

Many of them comment on its 'family' atmosphere.

Pupils are attentive and work well together. Low-level disruption is rare.

It is quickly addressed so that learning is not disturbed. Pupils are adamant that there is no bullying.

Pupils are caring and thoughtful of others.

If difficulties arise, staff do their utmost to understand the reason behind it. They draw on a wide range of support to resolve ...issues. As a result, pupils feel happy, safe and cared for.

This culture sets the foundation for learning and achieving the school's goals of 'aspire, believe, achieve'.

School life is rich. There are many opportunities to take part in activities such as after school clubs, trips and events.

There are genuine opportunities for pupils to share in the running of the school. For example, they can be a prefect or be on the school council.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

School leaders are ambitious for pupils, including those in the resource base.

They consider the needs of pupils and take action to meet them. Leaders give the highest priority to teaching and pupils' personal development. Leaders do their utmost to ensure that pastoral support is available when needed.

Leaders have created a well-organised and carefully sequenced curriculum. It sets out the knowledge that pupils need to learn. This starts with children in the early years.

Leaders plan experiences that ensure children are well prepared for key stage 1. Opportunities to revisit learning are routinely built into the curriculum. This helps pupils to remember more over time.

For example, in mathematics, teachers review previous learning and connect it to new content.

Teachers use assessment effectively to identify what pupils have learned and the areas where they need further support. This helps children to improve their understanding.

For example, pupils can talk confidently about what they have learned in mathematics.

Reading is central to the curriculum. Leaders ensure that a love of language starts in the Nursery.

Children enjoy stories, singing and conversation. From Reception, children follow a programme of phonics to build their literacy skills. Teachers skilfully deliver the programme.

They teach pupils to read by helping them to pronounce sounds accurately. Pupils practise these skills frequently. Teachers check pupils learning regularly.

They know when pupils have fallen behind and give them extra practice if this is the case. As a result, pupils make strong progress in learning to read.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities in the main school are fully involved in learning the school curriculum.

They make substantial progress because teaching is effective. The individual needs of pupils in the resource base are well known to staff, who plan carefully to meet them. Pupils in the resource base are involved in the full life of the school.

For example, these pupils are part of the school council and attend assemblies when they are ready to do so. Many parents appreciate the progress their children are making.

Some pupils are being held back by low attendance.

They are missing parts of the curriculum. This makes it difficult for them to keep up with the pace of learning.

Pupils respond well to the positive approach the school has to behaviour.

They concentrate in lessons, have good self-control, and respect each other. Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe in their daily lives and know about healthy relationships.

The headteacher has prioritised the right areas for staff training.

This has resulted in a very knowledgeable staff team. Leaders support staff well-being and promote highly effective teamwork.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have created a strong safeguarding culture. School policies and practice show that staff and governors understand their responsibilities. Clear processes for raising and recording concerns are in place.

Staff ensure any concerns are raised immediately with the designated safeguarding leader. Leaders ensure that children and families receive the support they need.

The school has suitable policies in place to raise awareness among staff and parents about the dangers of sexual harassment, online sexual abuse and sexual violence.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The attendance of some pupils is too low to ensure that they receive the education to which they are entitled. As a result, these pupils are not making the progress that they should. Leaders needs to strengthen further the work they are doing to improve the attendance of children who are persistently absent.

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