Carlinghow Academy

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About Carlinghow Academy

Name Carlinghow Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Dani Worthington
Address Ealand Road, Carlinghow, Batley, WF17 8HT
Phone Number 01924326371
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 286
Local Authority Kirklees
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

All staff have high expectations of pupils at Carlinghow Academy. Pupils are happy and feel safe.

They work purposefully in lessons and achieve well. At playtime, there is a variety of activities in which pupils can take part. These include playing cricket and climbing.

Most parents and carers speak highly of the school and the changes that have been made. They say that their children are well supported.

Pupils know that when they make good choices, they stay 'green' on their behaviour chart.

They look forward to the rewards they achieve, such as attending the carnival. They believe that the rules in school are fair. Pupils are polite and respectful ...towards adults.

They understand clearly what bullying is. If bullying happens, teachers resolve it promptly and with care.

Pupils' learning extends beyond the school day.

There are many after-school clubs, such as those for dodgeball, arts and crafts, football and cookery. Pupils enjoy trips to enhance their learning in the classroom. They recently visited Lotherton Hall and had a residential trip to Robinwood.

Pupils learn about different faiths. They learn how different religions celebrate their beliefs and recently enjoyed taking part in their own Eid celebration. Pupils state that Carlinghow Academy is a 'multi-faith' school and inspectors saw this in action throughout the inspection.

Teachers help pupils to show respect and to care for everyone in the same way.

Pupils can explain how they are taught to stay safe in school and more widely in their local community. They know the school's internet rules.

They learn how to keep safe when online and when using new technologies.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Early reading is delivered with consistency. Pupils speak with confidence about how they learn to read.

Younger pupils enthusiastically take part in phonics lessons. All adults follow the school system and teach phonics with care. They revisit prior learning to check that pupils can recall the sounds they know well, before moving on.

Pupils read books that are matched well with the sounds they know. Over time, they write the words they know and build sentences in their English books. Additional phonics lessons are in place for pupils who need to catch up.

Reading is celebrated. Pupils aspire to achieve the school's coveted platinum award by reading at home. Teachers reward pupils for any extra effort they put into their reading with a certificate.

Pupils vote for the book they would like their teacher to read in class.

In mathematics, teachers have good subject knowledge. The sequence of learning is clear to follow and builds on prior knowledge.

In lessons, teachers use resources that allow pupils to calculate mentally at speed. Pupils explain accurately how they have worked out the answer to a problem. This supports them in becoming more competent mathematicians.

Teachers check what pupils can and cannot do in mathematics to support pupils to know more.

Leaders have transformed the teaching for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). They have carefully considered the resources needed to support pupils to access the curriculum alongside their peers, as well as in further targeted provision.

Pupils are now able to access learning in their class and in small groups. Adults are perceptive to the needs of these pupils. The curriculum is adapted to ensure that they can meet their individual targets.

With the support of their teachers, pupils with SEND develop great confidence in their ability to achieve.

There is an ambitious curriculum for foundation subjects. In subjects such as science, curriculum thinking is strong and leaders have identified ambitious end-points for pupils to achieve.

Subject leaders are able to talk through their curriculum structure with confidence. However, leaders have not always precisely identified what pupils need to know and remember. The assessment system does not accurately match what pupils need to learn.

In early years, leaders have put a curriculum in place that prepares children well for Year 1. Leaders have identified steps to build on children's knowledge. They now need to build on this with further specificity around vocabulary.

Adults need to extend children's language in conversation and provide opportunities for children to talk about what they know. This will help them to remember more. Children use the well-set-out areas of learning in the classroom and outdoors with purpose.

They remain focused until they complete their activities. Children learn to negotiate and share with each other in this setting.

Leaders are committed to making sure that families can access appropriate help and support.

Adults in school work hard to keep their families safe and well. Teachers promote a 'can-do' attitude that encourages high aspirations for all pupils at this school. Leaders promote the importance of pupils being in school on time with their parents.

Attendance is now improving as a result of this sustained focus. Leaders promote the importance of attending school to parents.

There is a carefully considered personal, social and health education curriculum in place to support pupils' well-being.

This teaches pupils about the specific risks they may encounter in their local community. Pupils talk confidently about managing relationships. Adults address pupils' worries in lessons.

Pupils understand how important it is to stay active. They can talk about how to be both physically and mentally healthy. Healthy snacks are available in school.

Pupils are encouraged to make healthy food choices.

The chief executive officer and governing body have been key partners in reshaping the strategic direction of the school. The executive leadership team knows the school well.

It has worked alongside school leaders to drive rapid, sustainable improvements in school. Trustees perform the required statutory duties with care.They hold senior leaders to account.

Teachers are well supported. They express their gratitude at being part of this strong staff team.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have ensured that safeguarding systems are well embedded in the school. All adults take part in an annual training programme. They know how this training will help them to spot pupils who may be vulnerable or at risk.

Leaders work with local partners to make sure that appropriate support is in place for all pupils and their families. They understand the risk their pupils may face. Leaders ensure that all adults who work in or visit the school have undergone the correct checks needed.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Pupils cannot always remember key knowledge in some subjects, such as geography. In these subjects, leaders have not accurately identified the key parts of learning that they want pupils to remember. Leaders must ensure that teachers know exactly what knowledge pupils need to have secured before they can access new learning.

• Teachers are unclear on exactly what pupils need to know and when. This means pupils do not always make effective links to build on what they already know. Subject leaders must develop and embed accurate assessment processes that ensure that prior learning is effectively built on and new learning is delivered consistently well across all classes.

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