Bradshaw Hall Primary School

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About Bradshaw Hall Primary School

Name Bradshaw Hall Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Chris Bagnall
Address Vernon Close, Cheadle Hulme, Cheadle, SK8 6AN
Phone Number 01612827858
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 464
Local Authority Stockport
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are delighted to come to this school each day.

They succeed in modelling their school's 13 'superpowers', such as empathy, aspiration and self-control. Staff place great importance on nurturing pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This includes those pupils in the specially resourced provision for pupils with SEND (specially resourced provision).

The school leaders have exceptionally high expectations of what pupils can and should achieve. Pupils, including those with SEND and those who are disadvantaged, consistently live up to or exceed these expectations. They achieve remarkably well.

Pupils relish every opportunity to l...earn. They shine in all that they do. This is reflected in the outstanding quality of work that they produce, and the extent to which they can talk in depth about what they have learned.

They are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They are very attentive in lessons.

From the beginning of the early years to Year 6, there is a calm and purposeful atmosphere across school. This enables pupils to focus completely on their learning.

Staff ensure that the vast array of high-quality enrichment activities are accessible to all pupils.

In particular, pupils value the strength of the music curriculum. They learn to sing, play musical instruments, form orchestras and bands. Pupils give performances at local events in their community.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

From the early years to Year 6, the curriculum flows seamlessly. The school has ensured that the sequence of learning is crystal clear. Staff know the key information that pupils should learn in each subject curriculum and when they should learn it.

Staff receive high-quality training that enables them to design curriculum content with expertise. This ensures that staff are fully equipped to design learning activities, which enable pupils to learn exceptionally well. Staff are adept at identifying any misconceptions swiftly.

They use the school's assessment information effectively to identify where pupils may have gaps in their knowledge. This enables staff to shape pupils' future learning. Pupils, including children in the early years, excel.

Over time, pupils develop a deep body of knowledge that interconnects between subjects.

The school has successfully promoted a love of reading. Children in the Nursery Year listen to engaging stories.

This helps to develop their communication and language skills well. Older pupils read widely and often. They chatted enthusiastically to the inspectors about their favourite genres and authors.

Children start learning the phonics curriculum as soon as they begin in the Reception class. They practise reading using books that are carefully matched to the sounds that they already know. Staff routinely check that pupils are keeping up with the pace of the phonics programme.

Pupils who do not learn as well as the school intends, are quickly identified and receive tailored support to help them to catch up quickly. As a result, most pupils become confident and fluent readers by the end of Year 2.

Pupils treat adults and each other with kindness and respect.

They support one another and value their friendships. Pupils' rates of attendance are high. They know that attending school regularly will help them to learn all that they can.

The school plans every aspect of the curriculum with precision to provide rich experiences for pupils and to develop their character. For example, the school invites pupils and their families in to celebrate important days and festivals of many different religions. Pupils said that everyone is welcome in their school, regardless of any differences that they may have.

Pupils diligently carry out their roles of responsibility. These roles include being sports and reading ambassadors. 'Year 6 fixers' also carry out duties in assemblies and support younger pupils.

A wide range of extra-curricular clubs are on offer, such as chess, cricket and mindfulness. The school is immensely proud of the way that it nurtures pupils' talents and interests beyond the curriculum.

Staff have been trained to quickly identify any additional needs that pupils may have.

Pupils with SEND receive appropriate support. Staff are skilled at making necessary adaptations to the delivery of the curriculum. This supports pupils with SEND to achieve exceptionally well.

Governors are committed to support the school and ensure that it continues to be a thriving hub in the community. They recognise the strength of the school leadership team. Governors carry out their statutory duties effectively and hold the school to account for the quality of education that pupils receive.

Staff are proud to be part of the school team. The school takes their views into account which helps to effectively support their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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