Boughton Leigh Infant School

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About Boughton Leigh Infant School

Name Boughton Leigh Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Andrew Moorcroft
Address Wetherall Way, Brownsover, Rugby, CV21 1LT
Phone Number 01788571679
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 250
Local Authority Warwickshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Key findings

This is a good school. Strong teamwork and a high level of staff commitment are improving outcomes for pupils. The school's care, guidance and support for pupils are notable strengths.

It is not yet outstanding because aspects of provision are not promoting rapid enough progress in lessons. Attendance is improving but remains low. Children achieve well in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Their good progress continues in Years 1 and 2. All groups achieve equally well, including disabled pupils and those with special educational needs, and those who speak English as an additional language. While children's reading skills are developing well, occasionally work is not effectively matched to their... different abilities.

Pupils achieve well because teaching across the school is good, providing pupils with a wide range of interesting and engaging experiences. Relationships are positive and pupils enjoy their learning. They do not have enough opportunities, however, to share their ideas in class discussions and explain their thinking further.

The school is a happy and friendly place in which pupils feel safe and secure, and where behaviour is good. Although good attendance has been encouraged and there has been a marked improvement this term, the school recognises the need to maintain an unrelenting focus on using all possible strategies to encourage parents and carers to send their children to school regularly. Leadership and management are good overall.

The headteacher's drive to improve the school is enthusiastically shared by all staff. The governing body supports senior leaders well and offers effective challenge. Teaching is monitored rigorously and performance management and professional development are closely linked to school priorities.

A good curriculum and strong partnerships promote pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development well.

Information about the school

This is an average-sized infant and nursery school. Most pupils come from White British backgrounds, with a small but increasing proportion from a range of minority ethnic groups, including some pupils who speak English as an additional language.

The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is above average. The percentage of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs who are supported through school action or a statement is average. Their needs most often link to language, communication or behavioural difficulties.

Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage are taught in a part-time Nursery class and three Reception classes and they have their own separate outside learning area. The school is expanding and new classrooms will be ready by September 2012. Since the previous inspection there have been significant changes in senior leadership, with an interim leadership team in place during the last year.

In January 2012 the current headteacher was appointed to the school and to the headship of the children's centre based on an adjacent site. The children's centre is subject to a separate inspection. Childcare provided on the school site is managed by an external provider and is subject to a separate inspection.

Also at this postcode
Boughton Leigh Junior School Rocking Horse Kindergarten

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