Borough Green Primary School

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About Borough Green Primary School

Name Borough Green Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Karen Jackson
Address School Approach, Borough Green, Sevenoaks, TN15 8JZ
Phone Number 01732883459
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 265
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school is a warm community where pupils are cared for. The school is inclusive and teaches pupils to appreciate differences.

They learn about different faiths, cultures and abilities, ensuring everyone feels welcome in the school. One pupil said, 'Everyone is welcome here, and everyone is quite different.' As a result, pupils, including those who are disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), feel included and actively participate in the school community.

Pupils are enthusiastic members of the wider community. They are keen to do 'Bash the Trash' litter-picking and work with local care homes.

Pupils and staff enjoy ...warm and positive relationships.

Pupils know they can speak to someone about any worries and are confident these will be addressed quickly. The school has undergone a leadership transition, and high ambitions for behaviour and learning have been clearly established. Pupils respond well to leaders' expectations and behave well.

The school has introduced substantial changes to the curriculum this year. The ambition for the new curriculum is reflected in pupils' enthusiasm and improved learning. As a result, pupils remember the new curriculum content well and are proud of their achievements.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has created a carefully sequenced curriculum. This is well designed from Reception onwards and contains the precise knowledge and skills that staff intend pupils to learn. In each year group, pupils gradually build their understanding so that by the end of Year 6, they are ready to transition to the next stage of education.

For example, in art and design, pupils gradually develop their knowledge of sketching, starting with early mark making in Reception, use hatching in key stage 1 and develop texture and shading in key stage 2. This skill development is brought alive by studying artists who exemplify the skills that pupils aim to refine.

Staff support individual pupils effectively, especially those with SEND.

The school prioritises high-quality training for staff to broaden pupils' language skills. As a result, staff use resources particularly well to aid pupils to learn new vocabulary. Consequently, pupils who are disadvantaged, including those with SEND, achieve well.

Pupils are proud of their achievements. In many subjects, including mathematics and English, the school has provided training to develop staff subject knowledge. This helps teachers to emphasise the most important content, and so they are precise when revisiting previous learning.

As a result, pupils achieve well and can recall and explain what they have learned over time. Their books demonstrate detailed knowledge and skills in these areas. However, this is not as consistent in a small number of other subjects.

From Reception onwards, pupils gradually develop into fluent and accurate readers. Phonics sessions are taught effectively, and this helps pupils to learn the sounds securely. They read books closely matched to the sounds they know.

Adults routinely check what pupils know and can do. This information is used well to support pupils who need additional support to catch up with their peers. As a result, pupils achieve well in reading.

The school promotes consistently good behaviour. From Reception onwards, pupils are taught to use their language skills to resolve disagreements and express their emotions. The school uses adjustments to support pupils with SEND that are subtle and effective.

Weekly assemblies led by pupils celebrate the many positives of the week. Pupils value this recognition. As a result, their attitudes towards school are highly positive.

Pupils interact respectfully, leading to a welcoming learning environment. Though attendance has improved, some pupils who are disadvantaged miss out on too much learning. Leaders are working effectively with families to address this.

The school is determined to provide a broad range of opportunities. Staff use carefully chosen experiences to support learning and broaden pupils' horizons. This includes science experience days at local schools and interesting residential trips.

Pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, are supported to engage in extra-curricular clubs and experiences. Pupils learn to keep safe online and in the community, and demonstrate a detailed understanding of concepts such as consent and healthy relationships. As a result, pupils at the school are well rounded and mature in their reflections and work with others.

Leaders care deeply about the school and its community. Leaders at all levels have a strong commitment to the school's values, ethos and ambition. Governors are well trained and active in their roles.

They provide an appropriate level of challenge and support to help move the school forward. Staff feel well supported, and the school benefits from a positive relationship with its community.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some pupils do not attend regularly enough. They miss too much of their learning, resulting in gaps in knowledge. The school must continue to work with families to support them to improve pupils' attendance, especially those who are disadvantaged, including those with SEND.

• The quality of teaching in a few subjects is not yet as strong as the rest. This means that pupils' learning is inconsistent. The school should equip staff with secure subject knowledge to teach across the curriculum, ensure they emphasise the most important content and check that pupils have learned and remembered it.

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