Bishop Perrin Church of England Primary School

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About Bishop Perrin Church of England Primary School

Name Bishop Perrin Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Acting Headteacher Miss Rachael Macklearn
Address Hospital Bridge Road, Twickenham, TW2 6LF
Phone Number 02088941447
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 205
Local Authority Richmond upon Thames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils feel safe and happy at this welcoming school.

The school provides a nurturing environment and instils a strong sense of respect. Pupils are highly motivated to learn, and their behaviour is exemplary. They are quick to follow instructions and develop confidence and resilience.

This begins in Reception, where they are encouraged to build their independence and care for one another.

The school's vision to be both inclusive and to create lifelong learners is deeply embedded in daily school life. The school develops pupils' knowledge through an ambitious curriculum, which is rooted in reading and developing a love of literature.

Pupils approach th...eir learning with curiosity and make excellent progress. This includes those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils are proud of the work they produce.

The school provides a range of enrichment opportunities to develop pupils' character and their awareness of the world around them. They go on trips to Hampton Court, the Isle of Wight, museums, farms and libraries. Pupils are also encouraged to support charity work and take active leadership roles at school, including as 'playground pals', anti-bullying ambassadors and members of 'the green team'.

The school fosters a strong sense of community and works closely with families to ensure pupils reach their potential and thrive in a warm learning environment.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils follow an ambitious and well-structured curriculum. In each subject, leaders have identified the important knowledge and skills pupils need to learn and remember.

These are logically sequenced and practised from the early years. This means pupils' understanding is secure and concepts embedded, including for pupils with SEND.

Teachers have strong subject expertise.

They revisit pupils' knowledge at the start of lessons and use questions skilfully to ensure learning is secure. As a result, pupils can recall and explain complex ideas. For example, in history, they can explain that the Anglo-Saxon period was not based on one invasion but on a long period of migration.

Pupils are also encouraged to use sophisticated vocabulary. In English, Year 6 pupils confidently use expanded noun phrases in their creative writing.

The school builds strong communication and writing skills starting in the early years.

During their food theme, children write sentences using the starters 'first,' 'next' and 'then' to write recipes for pancakes. Similarly, a strong foundation is provided in mathematics. Older pupils build on this learning to master complex calculations.

The curriculum is designed around books which bring subjects to life and develop pupils' command of language. These books are carefully chosen from a wide range of genres to broaden and enrich pupils' learning. This approach fosters a love of reading which begins in Reception.

The phonics programme is planned and delivered effectively. Pupils take home books that match the sounds practised in class. Support is quickly put in place for those who need it.

This helps pupils to develop fluency and to read with expression.

Provision for pupils' personal development is excellent. The school plans purposeful trips, including two residential trips each year.

Pupils routinely take part in clubs, including coding, tennis and football. The choir is a popular choice and music is a strength of the school. Pupils take leadership roles in the school council and support one another through becoming 'playground pals' or anti-bullying ambassadors.

Kindness and respect are at the heart of the school. The school provides a comprehensive personal, social and health education curriculum. Pupils are taught how to stay healthy and safe, including online.

Pupils are motivated to learn in class and behave in an orderly way around the school site. In Reception, children play and learn cooperatively, following instructions quickly. Children are taught how to regulate their emotions and build positive relationships.

Leaders have thought carefully about pupils' transition points into Year 1, Year 3 and, later, in preparation for secondary school. They develop pupils' confidence and independence by providing opportunities to take responsibility and celebrating their achievements. The school also has high expectations for attendance and works with families to ensure pupils enjoy school and attend well.

The school provides a high-quality education for the community it serves. Leaders approach challenges sensitively and proactively. Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the school and speak of the nurturing ethos.

Leaders and governors have strong strategic oversight and seek continual improvement. Staff feel valued and proud to work at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Also at this postcode
KOOSA Kids After School Club at Bishop Perrin Primary School, Twickenham

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