Bishop Ian Ramsey CofE Primary School

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About Bishop Ian Ramsey CofE Primary School

Name Bishop Ian Ramsey CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mr David Mordue
Address Manor Road, Medomsley, Consett, DH8 6QN
Phone Number 01207560235
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 136
Local Authority County Durham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Bishop Ian Ramsey CofE Primary School is caring and full of joy. The school's Christian values are meaningful to pupils. They reflect on them throughout the school day.

This contributes to how well pupils treat each other.

The new leadership team and trust have turned the school around. There is a marked improvement in the curriculum, pupils' outcomes and the culture in school.

Pupils achieve well. All staff have high expectations of pupils. The school benefits hugely from trust support.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive highly effective support. They are fully involved in the life of the school. Parents and car...ers are involved in the support pupils receive.

The on-site forest school is popular with pupils.

Relationships between staff and pupils are excellent. Staff know pupils well.

The school has diligently chosen focused weeks and activities to develop pupils' interests and talents. Pupils enjoy Careers Week, in which they learn about a variety of options and dispel stereotypes. Pupils learn new skills in the extra-curricular community club led by the newly reformed `Friends of BIR'.

Pupils are safe here. They are taught how to use the internet safely. Staff listen to pupils' worries and concerns.

Pupils confidently discuss potential risks when using mobile phones. The school's systems to promote good attendance work well. Pupils enjoy coming to school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has recently made huge strides in embedding an ambitious and effective curriculum. Pupils are achieving well. Leaders have carefully tailored the curriculums to meet pupils' needs.

The school benefits from the support and professional development the trust offers. Staff are well developed to deliver the ambitious curriculum. Their expertise is evident in lessons and interventions.

The mixed-aged classes are well managed.

The school has established a positive reading culture. Pupils are enthusiastic about reading.

They love the range of books available in the rainforest-themed library. Children learn to read as soon as they start Reception. Staff are expert at teaching phonics.

As a result, most pupils learn to read quickly and fluently. Weaker readers receive additional support. However, the support they receive is not always closely matched to the gaps in their phonics knowledge.

Pupils show a keen interest and enthusiasm for their lessons. Teachers know the important knowledge pupils need to remember. As a result, pupils are well prepared for future learning.

Teachers provide regular opportunities for pupils to revisit prior learning. Vocabulary is a priority, right from the early years. This contributes to how well pupils discuss their learning using correct terminology.

Children make a great start in the early years. There is a very small early years cohort. This helps with the positive relationships that staff have with children.

Children benefit from the ambitious learning environment. Staff have clearly planned the learning underpinning all activities. Children have well-planned opportunities to rehearse new learning.

Staff are expert at extending children's language. Children enjoy re-enacting stories in the forest school and developing their skills of colour mixing.

The school engages with external specialists to identify pupils' needs and provide the support that they need.

Pupils with SEND benefit from the precise support they receive. The school has tailored the environment to maximise inclusivity. Pupils with particular needs are supported with bespoke starts to the day and have access to calm spaces in school.

Pupils' behaviour is excellent at all points of the school day. Behaviour at playtimes showcases pupils' caring attitude for one another. The pupils assigned to be 'well-being warriors' lead assemblies and activities, contributing to the positive behaviour culture in school.

Pupils have an exceptionally positive attitude towards learning. They refer to the school's Christian values when they face challenges. In lessons, the school has embedded creative ways for pupils to request peer support when they find work difficult.

Pupils have many opportunities for personal development. The school encourages pupils to attend a variety of extra-curricular clubs. Pupils discuss their learning from educational visits including the seaside, museums, and local sporting competitions.

Pupils benefit from the large forest school and qualified forest school leader in the extensive grounds. Pupils enjoy reading outdoors and engaging in wood crafts. The school partners with the local community to develop pupils into active citizens.

Pupils treat each other with respect. However, some pupils have a poor understanding of other religions and aspects of the diversity of modern Britain.

The turnaround in this school is astounding, and testament to the strength in leadership and governance.

Staff are proud to work in this school. They feel valued and happy. Leaders engage brilliantly with staff and stakeholders.

Parents are very happy with the school. They recognise the improvements the school has made and can see the impact in their children's learning and progress.

Those responsible for governance have an accurate picture of the school.

They have been an integral part of the improvement journey. The academy council is aware of its statutory duties, and the expertise across the board helps with this.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Sometimes, the support that weaker readers receive is not always closely matched to the gaps in their phonics knowledge. As a result, some pupils who need additional help in reading do not get the effective and timely support they need. The school should ensure that gaps in pupils' reading knowledge are addressed effectively and quickly.

• Some pupils have a limited knowledge or understanding of other religions. As a result, they struggle to demonstrate the respect they intend to show in conversations about religion. The school should ensure that it is preparing pupils for modern Britain effectively through developing their understanding of other religions, British values and understanding difference in Britain.

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