Birchgrove Primary School

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About Birchgrove Primary School

Name Birchgrove Primary School
Address Birchgrove Road, Birchgrove, CF14 1RR
Phone Number 02920 628204
Phase Infants & Juniors
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 395 (52.7% boys 47.3% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 24.7
Local Authority Cardiff
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Birchgrove Primary School is a happy and inclusive learning community.

Pupils enjoy school and have a positive attitude towards their learning. Pupils understand the importance of good attendance and are punctual in the morning. The behaviour of nearly all pupils is excellent and leaders and other staff ensure a strong culture of care and understanding.

Nearly all pupils develop and use their literacy, numeracy and digital skills well and apply these effectively and enthusiastically across a broad range of learning experiences. Teachers plan a wide range of authentic and stimulating experiences for pupils as part of an engaging curriculum. This includes a wide choice of interesting extra-curricular activities and a variety... of educational visits that enrich the curriculum.

However, there are limited opportunities for pupils to develop their skills as independent learners and to engage in learning in the outdoors. Most pupils have a good understanding of how to keep healthy and enjoy walking or cycling to school. Staff provide timely and skilful support for pupils with social and emotional difficulties and meet the needs of pupils with additional learning needs (ALN) well.

Pupils take on a range of leadership roles and undertake them diligently. For example, the 'Digidudes' help to develop the digital skills of other pupils. The headteacher provides strong leadership, and she is well supported by staff and governors.

They share a clear vision for the school based on preparing pupils for their future lives and community focused learning. The governing body has a good understanding of the strengths of the school and works effectively with the headteacher, staff, pupils and parents to support ongoing improvement. Recommendations R1 Improve the provision for outdoor learning R2 Develop pupils' independent learning skills What happens next The school will draw up an action plan to address the recommendations from the inspection.

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