Whizz Kids Holiday Club

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About Whizz Kids Holiday Club

Name Whizz Kids Holiday Club
Address Leechpool Primary School, Leechpool Lane, Horsham, Sussex, RH13 6AG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WestSussex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff create a very positive environment, and children are settled and happy. Staff understand the general interests, energy levels and expected behaviours of the age range of children who attend.

They treat children with respect and listen to what they say. This successfully encourages children to behave well. Children make friends and enjoy their time at the club.

They laugh and joke as they play and are confident to approach staff for attention when necessary. Staff plan a programme of events each day, comprising of a mixture of physical play and creative activities. Most children enthusiastically join in the adult-led ...physical games.

They listen well and follow the complex rules. Children are supportive as they cheer each other on and show good sporting behaviour. Children who do not want to join in group games do not always have an alternative activity available.

However, at these times, children happily watch their friends, and staff regularly check on their well-being.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leadership and management arrangements are effective. The provider offers relevant support and training to ensure that staff are aware of their individual roles, including their responsibility to keep children safe.

Staff also receive induction to ensure that they are aware of the working practices throughout the club. The provider is committed to continually improving the quality of the provision. He recognises, from monitoring, that children are sometimes not engaged if they choose not to take part in the planned activity and is implementing plans to address this.

Staff work together effectively to lead activities and communicate well to ensure that children are appropriately supervised. They explain the rules of games effectively and provide children with clear information about what is going to happen next. This helps the youngest children to understand the routines and to feel secure and confident.

Children enjoy active play and work collaboratively in teams. They have great fun as they play running and chasing games. Staff organise for children to spend a lot of time in the popular outdoor areas.

When the weather makes this impractical, physical play takes place indoors. At other times, activities are organised to promote children's creativity. Throughout the week, children have opportunities to draw, paint pictures and create a talent show.

Staff promote children's good health effectively. In addition to providing lots of opportunities for active play, staff emphasise the importance of children washing their hands before eating. Snack and mealtimes are sociable occasions.

Staff encourage children to wait for their friends to sit down so that they can all eat together. Children engage in lively conversations and enjoy taking part in games spontaneously made up by staff. For example, they work together to name animals from A to Z.

Parents receive information about the club from the website and through the registration process. For example, they receive information about healthy lunch boxes to support the commitment to promoting healthy eating. A newly introduced electronic system gathers relevant information about children to ensure that staff are aware of each child's individual needs.

The provider seeks and responds to feedback from parents and children following each holiday provision.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Leechpool Caterpillar Nursery & After School Club Leechpool Primary School

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