So Schools Out Loddon

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About So Schools Out Loddon

Name So Schools Out Loddon
Address Loddon Infant And Nursery School, Kittens Lane, Norwich, NR14 6JX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Norfolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are supported to settle into the setting with ease. The manager meets with new children and their parents, and children receive resources to help them get to know other staff members.

Children enthusiastically arrive at the setting and settle quickly, eager to play and unwind after their day at school. Staff warmly welcome children and know the children well. They talk freely with staff about their days and what is happening at home.

Children follow the flexible routines and behave well. They have a firm understanding of the boundaries of the setting, which helps them to feel secure and safe. Staff understand the ...impact that COVID-19 has had on the youngest children, and they help children to communicate and make friends with each other.

Children play in groups and invite other children and adults into their play, negotiating roles and rules. They have fun when staff join them in their games outside. They independently access games and equipment, and children are confident to develop and direct their own play.

Staff listen to children and respond positively to their ideas and suggestions. Children participate in learning and play opportunities which interest them and meet their needs. Children are becoming responsible and are helpful, getting involved in carrying resources outside and tidying away.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff create a safe environment for children. They provide high-visibility caps for children who walk to the setting, and these are also worn on the field, so staff can quickly keep track of where children are. Staff register children as they arrive and leave and keep the setting secure.

They give clear rules about safety to the children and supervise their play effectively.Staff gather other information they need to keep children safe, for example they collect information about their dietary needs. They make sure that the food they provide for children is healthy and balanced and that all children in the session have their dietary needs met.

Staff support children to develop manners and socialise at teatime. They teach children how to use real knives and forks properly, helping them to develop their physical skills.Staff create positive partnership with parents and schools.

They use effective methods to make sure that parents can communicate quickly with them. Staff record and share information with parents and the schools, so that any extra support can be provided, such as pastoral or financial support. Parents comment on the effectiveness of the communication and appreciate the information they receive.

When parents arrive to pick up their child, staff share detailed information about their child's care.Staff provide lots of opportunities for children to play outside regularly. Children play football, climb trees and use the trim trail on the school field.

This helps them develop resilience and burns off energy at the end of the school day. Staff support children who prefer to draw or create by helping them bring resources outside, so that they are still part of the group. Staff follow children's interests, asking children about the activities they would like to participate in.

Staff watch children play and actively join in. They roll hoops and play football with the children, who enjoy this interaction.Staff create a welcoming and interesting play environment indoors.

They create displays and areas which support children's emotional well-being and remind them of boundaries. Staff sit with children to explore different play opportunities, such as construction, puzzles, drawing and reading. Staff make sure that the play opportunities are accessible to all children and provide a range of resources to challenge them.

Staff keep up to date on all mandatory training. Staff on training courses receive the support they need to make progress and develop their skills and knowledge. Managers support the staff through ongoing supervisions.

Leaders carry out monitoring visits to identify areas of strength as well as areas for development, for example they are considering developing the outside space and the experiences offered to children. The provider encourages managers to visit other settings in the chain to develop their knowledge and share best practice.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Managers follow safe recruitment procedures to ensure staff are suitable for their role. They update their safeguarding policies regularly. Staff attend regular training, and they have a solid understanding of potential signs that would concern them in relation to a child's safety and well-being.

They know local issues that could potentially have an impact on children and families and talk to children about keeping safe online. Staff know how to respond to concerns and who they should share their concerns with, both inside and outside of the setting. The setting works closely with the schools to keep children safe.

Also at this postcode
Loddon Infant and Nursery School Loddon Junior School

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