S4A Group Ltd@Brill

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About S4A Group Ltd@Brill

Name S4A Group Ltd@Brill
Address Brill C Of E School, The Firs, Brill, Aylesbury, HP18 9RY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children in this setting are happy and confident. They are well mannered and polite when approaching staff and visitors.

Children talk about the things they enjoy during their day at the setting. For example, they like playing football in the field and seeing the cows from the farm at the fence. Early years children benefit from the support they receive from older children.

For example, older children enjoy showing how to do craft or science activities. There is a wide range of activities and games on offer each day. Staff plan meticulously to ensure that what is on offer meets the needs and interests of all the children w...ho attend.

Children are confident to make choices of what they would like to do and share ideas for new activities. The provider has a clear vision and ambition for all children to engage in activities. They effectively work with the local authority to deliver a national initiative aimed at providing free places and nutritious meals to potentially vulnerable children during school holidays.

Children behave well. They sit together at lunchtime and join in lively conversations with staff. They enjoy sharing stories of home and school, talking about their friends and exciting things they have done during the week.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider and staff work well with other professionals to meet children's needs. They communicate effectively with teachers, exchanging information to understand the needs of the individual children. This helps with a smooth transition from the school to the holiday club.

Staff also work effectively with the local authority to support vulnerable families. Children are familiar with the staff and the environment, helping them to feel confident and secure.The staff plan meticulously for the needs and interests of the children.

Each week they have a theme, such as dragons, skilfully chosen to pique children's interests. The equipment and resources are prepared in readiness for the children to explore. Children happily choose the activities they would like to engage in, such as team games, arts, science and forest school.

Children support each other and engage well. They share ideas and work together to complete tasks as part of the planned activities. Staff work alongside the children allowing time for independence and discovery.

They join in, where needed, to develop the activity following the interests of the children. There is a good balance of adult-led and child-led activities.There are good arrangements to support children's behaviour.

Children mimic the strong role modelling of staff, and are polite and courteous. They follow instructions and understand boundaries and expectations. For example, children know the routine of the afternoon as they move to different areas of the school.

The provider supports staff well. Staff have access to continuous professional development. They each have a career pathway, where they can access support and training to progress in their roles.

This empowers staff to reflect on their practice and plan next steps to grow and develop their skills and knowledge. Staff feel valued and supported, and enjoy working together.Staff attend training to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

When a child with SEND registers, staff make excellent plans to support the transition into the holiday club. They send photos of the school premises, the gate children will come into, the staff and areas of the provision, so that children have some familiarity prior to attending.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff have a good safeguarding knowledge. The provider has robust recruitment processes to ensure all staff employed are qualified and suitable to work with children. Staff attend a range of safeguarding training.

They demonstrate a secure knowledge and understanding of the 'Prevent' duty, female genital mutilation and keeping children safe online. Staff know how to report concerns to and how to escalate these to partner agencies if needed. They can identify signs and indicators of abuse and know how to manage disclosures and document information appropriately and in a timely manner.

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